发布于 2015-09-10 16:16:42 | 461 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网络整理
We expect that there will be multiple registries out there. To help to grasp the context, here are some examples of registries:
Mirror registries and private registries which do not use the Index don’t even need to run the registry code. They can be implemented by any kind of transport implementing HTTP GET and PUT. Read-only registries can be powered by a simple static HTTP server.
The latter would only require two new commands in docker, e.g. registryget and registryput, wrapping access to the local filesystem (and optionally doing consistency checks). Authentication and authorization are then delegated to SSH (e.g. with public keys).
get image layer for a given image_id
Example Request:
GET /v1/images/088b4505aa3adc3d35e79c031fa126b403200f02f51920fbd9b7c503e87c7a2c/layer HTTP/1.1
Host: registry-1.docker.io
Accept: application/json
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Token signature=123abc,repository="foo/bar",access=read
Parameters: |
Example Response:
HTTP/1.1 200
Vary: Accept
X-Docker-Registry-Version: 0.6.0
Cookie: (Cookie provided by the Registry)
{layer binary data stream}
Status Codes: |
put image layer for a given image_id
Example Request:
PUT /v1/images/088b4505aa3adc3d35e79c031fa126b403200f02f51920fbd9b7c503e87c7a2c/layer HTTP/1.1
Host: registry-1.docker.io
Transfer-Encoding: chunked
Authorization: Token signature=123abc,repository="foo/bar",access=write
{layer binary data stream}
Parameters: |
Example Response:
HTTP/1.1 200
Vary: Accept
Content-Type: application/json
X-Docker-Registry-Version: 0.6.0
Status Codes: |
put image for a given image_id
Example Request:
PUT /v1/images/088b4505aa3adc3d35e79c031fa126b403200f02f51920fbd9b7c503e87c7a2c/json HTTP/1.1
Host: registry-1.docker.io
Accept: application/json
Content-Type: application/json
Cookie: (Cookie provided by the Registry)
id: "088b4505aa3adc3d35e79c031fa126b403200f02f51920fbd9b7c503e87c7a2c",
parent: "aeee6396d62273d180a49c96c62e45438d87c7da4a5cf5d2be6bee4e21bc226f",
created: "2013-04-30T17:46:10.843673+03:00",
container: "8305672a76cc5e3d168f97221106ced35a76ec7ddbb03209b0f0d96bf74f6ef7",
container_config: {
Hostname: "host-test",
User: "",
Memory: 0,
MemorySwap: 0,
AttachStdin: false,
AttachStdout: false,
AttachStderr: false,
PortSpecs: null,
Tty: false,
OpenStdin: false,
StdinOnce: false,
Env: null,
Cmd: [
"apt-get -q -yy -f install libevent-dev"
Dns: null,
Image: "imagename/blah",
Volumes: { },
VolumesFrom: ""
docker_version: "0.1.7"
Parameters: |
Example Response:
HTTP/1.1 200
Vary: Accept
Content-Type: application/json
X-Docker-Registry-Version: 0.6.0
Status Codes: |
get image for a given image_id
Example Request:
GET /v1/images/088b4505aa3adc3d35e79c031fa126b403200f02f51920fbd9b7c503e87c7a2c/json HTTP/1.1
Host: registry-1.docker.io
Accept: application/json
Content-Type: application/json
Cookie: (Cookie provided by the Registry)
Parameters: |
Example Response:
HTTP/1.1 200
Vary: Accept
Content-Type: application/json
X-Docker-Registry-Version: 0.6.0
X-Docker-Size: 456789
X-Docker-Checksum: b486531f9a779a0c17e3ed29dae8f12c4f9e89cc6f0bc3c38722009fe6857087
id: "088b4505aa3adc3d35e79c031fa126b403200f02f51920fbd9b7c503e87c7a2c",
parent: "aeee6396d62273d180a49c96c62e45438d87c7da4a5cf5d2be6bee4e21bc226f",
created: "2013-04-30T17:46:10.843673+03:00",
container: "8305672a76cc5e3d168f97221106ced35a76ec7ddbb03209b0f0d96bf74f6ef7",
container_config: {
Hostname: "host-test",
User: "",
Memory: 0,
MemorySwap: 0,
AttachStdin: false,
AttachStdout: false,
AttachStderr: false,
PortSpecs: null,
Tty: false,
OpenStdin: false,
StdinOnce: false,
Env: null,
Cmd: [
"apt-get -q -yy -f install libevent-dev"
Dns: null,
Image: "imagename/blah",
Volumes: { },
VolumesFrom: ""
docker_version: "0.1.7"
Status Codes: |
get ancestry for an image given an image_id
Example Request:
GET /v1/images/088b4505aa3adc3d35e79c031fa126b403200f02f51920fbd9b7c503e87c7a2c/ancestry HTTP/1.1
Host: registry-1.docker.io
Accept: application/json
Content-Type: application/json
Cookie: (Cookie provided by the Registry)
Parameters: |
Example Response:
HTTP/1.1 200
Vary: Accept
Content-Type: application/json
X-Docker-Registry-Version: 0.6.0
Status Codes: |
get all of the tags for the given repo.
Example Request:
GET /v1/repositories/foo/bar/tags HTTP/1.1
Host: registry-1.docker.io
Accept: application/json
Content-Type: application/json
X-Docker-Registry-Version: 0.6.0
Cookie: (Cookie provided by the Registry)
Parameters: |
Example Response:
HTTP/1.1 200
Vary: Accept
Content-Type: application/json
X-Docker-Registry-Version: 0.6.0
"latest": "9e89cc6f0bc3c38722009fe6857087b486531f9a779a0c17e3ed29dae8f12c4f",
"0.1.1": "b486531f9a779a0c17e3ed29dae8f12c4f9e89cc6f0bc3c38722009fe6857087"
Status Codes: |
get a tag for the given repo.
Example Request:
GET /v1/repositories/foo/bar/tags/latest HTTP/1.1
Host: registry-1.docker.io
Accept: application/json
Content-Type: application/json
X-Docker-Registry-Version: 0.6.0
Cookie: (Cookie provided by the Registry)
Parameters: |
Example Response:
HTTP/1.1 200
Vary: Accept
Content-Type: application/json
X-Docker-Registry-Version: 0.6.0
Status Codes: |
delete the tag for the repo
Example Request:
DELETE /v1/repositories/foo/bar/tags/latest HTTP/1.1
Host: registry-1.docker.io
Accept: application/json
Content-Type: application/json
Cookie: (Cookie provided by the Registry)
Parameters: |
Example Response:
HTTP/1.1 200
Vary: Accept
Content-Type: application/json
X-Docker-Registry-Version: 0.6.0
Status Codes: |
put a tag for the given repo.
Example Request:
PUT /v1/repositories/foo/bar/tags/latest HTTP/1.1
Host: registry-1.docker.io
Accept: application/json
Content-Type: application/json
Cookie: (Cookie provided by the Registry)
Parameters: |
Example Response:
HTTP/1.1 200
Vary: Accept
Content-Type: application/json
X-Docker-Registry-Version: 0.6.0
Status Codes: |
delete a repository
Example Request:
DELETE /v1/repositories/foo/bar/ HTTP/1.1
Host: registry-1.docker.io
Accept: application/json
Content-Type: application/json
Cookie: (Cookie provided by the Registry)
Parameters: |
Example Response:
HTTP/1.1 200
Vary: Accept
Content-Type: application/json
X-Docker-Registry-Version: 0.6.0
Status Codes: |
Check status of the registry. This endpoint is also used to determine if the registry supports SSL.
Example Request:
GET /v1/_ping HTTP/1.1
Host: registry-1.docker.io
Accept: application/json
Content-Type: application/json
Example Response:
HTTP/1.1 200
Vary: Accept
Content-Type: application/json
X-Docker-Registry-Version: 0.6.0
Status Codes: |
This is where we describe the authorization process, including the tokens and cookies.
TODO: add more info.