发布于 2016-09-07 00:30:44 | 157 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
Hawkular 开源监控解决方案
Hawkular 是一个开源的监控解决方案,是 RHQ 项目 的改进版本,受益于多年的经验,Hawkular 设计之初就考虑模块化和可伸缩性,因此组件可在应用之外进行重用。Hawkular 可以接收来自不同源的监控数据,包括 collectd、gmond 等等。
Hawkular Metrics 0.19.0 发布了,该版本在性能和REST API方面做了全面的增强,主要包括:
REST API - Query Improvements
It is now possible to use relative timestamps when querying for data via +
or -
added to timestamp parameters. When used, the timestamp is relative to the local system timestamp (HWKMETRICS-358, HWKMETRICS-457)
Querying for data from earliest available data point has been expanded to raw data queries for gauges and counters (HWKMETRICS-435)
DELETE tenants/{id}
has been added to allow the deletion of an entire tenant (HWKMETRICS-446)
AvailabilityType is serialized as simple string in bucket data points (HWKMETRICS-436)
Performance Enhancements
The write performance has been increased by 10% across the board after reorganizing the meta-data internal indexes. (HWKMETRICS-422)
GZIP replaced LZ4 as the compression algorithm for the data table. This produces anywhere between 60% to 70% disk usage savings over LZ4. (HWKMETRICS-454)
Job Scheduler - Improvements
The newly introduced internal job scheduler received several improvements and fixes; the main focus was to enhance the scalability and fault tolerance.
The job scheduler will be used only for internal tasks.
Github Release: https://github.com/hawkular/hawkular-metrics/releases/tag/0.19.0
JBoss Nexus Maven artifacts: http://origin-repository.jboss.org/nexus/content/repositories/public/org/hawkular/metrics/
Jira release tracker: https://issues.jboss.org/browse/HWKMETRICS/fixforversion/12331192