发布于 2016-06-02 05:59:28 | 279 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
Hawkular 开源监控解决方案
Hawkular 是一个开源的监控解决方案,是 RHQ 项目 的改进版本,受益于多年的经验,Hawkular 设计之初就考虑模块化和可伸缩性,因此组件可在应用之外进行重用。Hawkular 可以接收来自不同源的监控数据,包括 collectd、gmond 等等。
Hawkular Metrics 0.16.0 发布了,该版本在 API 方面做了全面的增强,主要包括:
- String Metric Type - Enhancements
endpoint was enhanced with querying capabilities similar to other metric types, including tag related features (HWKMETRICS-402)
- The endpoints under
are still experimental, so changes which break backwards compatibility could be introduced in future releases. The experimental tag allows time for feedback to better determine what the API should be.
& */raw
Replace */data
- second deprecation warning!
has been deprecated and functionality split into two single purpose endpoints, this is applicable for all metric types (gauge, counter, availability, and string)
endpoints return bucketed, statistical or query-time aggregated data
endpoints accept and return raw data for a metric
- Please update your code to use the new endpoints and follow the release notes for more details regarding removal.
- For more details: HWKMETRICS-24, HWKMETRICS-57
- REST API Updates
- Empty buckets are now reported with default values and no samples (HWKMETRICS-345)
- Rate of change stats can be retrieved for Gauge metrics. This feature was exclusive for Counter metrics but was expanded to Gauge metrics. The rates are computed at query time based on stored data (HWKMETRICS-365)
- Min and max timestamps of stored datapoints are now returned when querying for metric definitions (HWKMETRICS-383)
- The endpoint for fetching rates now supports standard query parameters and sort behavior (HWKMETRICS-390)
- Hawkular Metrics - Hawkular Services distribution
- Hawkular Metrics distribution build for inclusion in Hawkular Services is now independent of Hawkular Accounts.
- Only for this distribution, the authentication is done at container level and tenant id header becomes required.
- For more details: HWKMETRICS-399, HWKMETRICS-401
Hawkular Metrics Clients
Release Links
历史版本 :
Hawkular Services 0.30.0.Final 发布
Hawkular Metrics 0.19.0 发布
Hawkular Services 0.0.5.Final 发布
Hawkular Metrics 0.16.0 发布
Hawkular Metrics 0.14.0 发布,监控解决方案
Hawkular Metrics 0.13.0 发布,监控解决方案
Hawkular Metrics 0.12.0 发布,开源监控方案
Hawkular Metrics 0.11.0 发布,改进查询 API