发布于 2016-03-29 23:59:51 | 243 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
Hawkular 开源监控解决方案
Hawkular 是一个开源的监控解决方案,是 RHQ 项目 的改进版本,受益于多年的经验,Hawkular 设计之初就考虑模块化和可伸缩性,因此组件可在应用之外进行重用。Hawkular 可以接收来自不同源的监控数据,包括 collectd、gmond 等等。
Hawkular Metrics 0.14.0 发布了,
Developer Distribution
Hawkular Metrics Web API + Wildfly 10 (requires an external C* cluster)
Hawkular Metrics Web APi + Wildfly 10 + Embedded Cassandra Server
First release of a Hawkular Metrics distribution oriented towards developers that integrate with Hawkular Metrics
This is an all inclusive distribution that developers can just download and run to easily test integration code
The distribution is available in two flavors :
The second distribution is available for installation on OS X via brew
$ brew tap hawkular/hawkular $ brew install hawkular-metrics-ec
To download and use on other platforms:
For more details: HWKMETRICS-364, HWKMETRICS-366
Upgraded Cassandra Driver
The Cassandra driver has been update to version 3.0.0
This is part of the planned upgrade to Cassandra 3.x
For more details: HWKMETRICS-359
RxJava Improvements
Resolved an issue where the RX computation threads could block while iterating over data results
For more details: HWKMETRICS-357
Github Release:
JBoss Nexus Maven artifacts:
Jira release tracker:
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