发布于 2016-04-06 10:59:12 | 184 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
Apache DeltaSpike
Apache DeltaSpike 包含一组 JSR-299 (CDI) 扩展,用于构建 Java SE 和 EE 平台的应用程序。
DeltaSpike 1.6.0 发布,更新内容如下:
Apache DeltaSpike团队决定开始放弃对Java 6的支持。按当前计划,版本1.6.0是支持Java 6的最后一个版本,1.6.x的补丁与修复将继续支持Java 6,但是下一个版本(1.7.0)将至少需要Java 7。
[DELTASPIKE-1100] - Support remove expressions
[DELTASPIKE-1087] - core-jmx: missing blank in log statement
[DELTASPIKE-1097] - Fix Data Module tests for TomEE7
[DELTASPIKE-1105] - Cannot sort on a find all query
[DELTASPIKE-1107] - Wrong usage of Dependency Scope=Import in deltaspike-scheduler-module-impl
[DELTASPIKE-1108] - Tests in 'deltaspike-data-module-test-ee7' fail with Weld and should be ignored
[DELTASPIKE-1066] - [perf] enhance caching in RepositoryEntity
[DELTASPIKE-1090] - ProjectStage config key with just uppercase letters and '_'
[DELTASPIKE-1092] - improve documentation
[DELTASPIKE-1095] - Move persistence/orm.xml mapping + parsing from DATA impl to JPA api/spi
[DELTASPIKE-1081] - Offer the possibility to provide the cron expression via configuration
[DELTASPIKE-1093] - add @Throttled
[DELTASPIKE-1094] - add @Futureable
[DELTASPIKE-1096] - project-stage bridge for jsf
[DELTASPIKE-1099] - @Locked: method access controlled by a ReadWriteLock
[DELTASPIKE-1068] - Merge data ClassUtils to core ClassUtils
[DELTASPIKE-1069] - evaluate interceptors for producer-methods
[DELTASPIKE-1082] - document configurable cron-expressions
[DELTASPIKE-1083] - update site and javadoc to 1.5.4
[DELTASPIKE-1106] - prepare v1.6.0