发布于 2014-12-26 00:21:55 | 218 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
Apache DeltaSpike
Apache DeltaSpike 包含一组 JSR-299 (CDI) 扩展,用于构建 Java SE 和 EE 平台的应用程序。
Apache DeltaSpike 1.2.1 发布,此版本是第十四个版本发布,更新内容如下:
[DELTASPIKE-796] - test view-actions in combination with @ViewAccessScoped
[DELTASPIKE-400] - BeanBuilder should set the bean of the InjectionPoints
[DELTASPIKE-792] - Fix javadoc -Xdoclint:none for JDK < 8
[DELTASPIKE-795] - ViewAccessScope gets destroyed in combination with f:viewAction
[DELTASPIKE-799] - Do not depend on Weld uberjar
[DELTASPIKE-800] - Update documentation to 1.2.0
[DELTASPIKE-801] - Security: SecurityParameterValueRedefiner doesnt recognize @Nonbinding
[DELTASPIKE-588] - Repositories from Data module should be deactivatable
[DELTASPIKE-660] - OSGi support for DeltaSpike Data and its dependencies
[DELTASPIKE-690] - Documentation donation from RedHat
[DELTASPIKE-722] - Migrate non-documentation pages from markdown to asciidoc
[DELTASPIKE-775] - provide a type-safe approach for low-level configs
[DELTASPIKE-798] - Support for uber-jar creation in SE support
[DELTASPIKE-635] - Document last TODOs in the JSF module documentation
[DELTASPIKE-794] - update release steps
[DELTASPIKE-797] - deploy javadoc for v1.2.0 to the cms
[DELTASPIKE-802] - update OWB and Weld to use the latest CDI-1.0 compatible versions by default
[DELTASPIKE-803] - exclude ee7 tests for ee6 servers
[DELTASPIKE-804] - prepare v1.2.1
Apache DeltaSpike 包含一组 JSR-299 (CDI) 扩展,用于构建 Java SE 和 EE 平台的应用程序。