发布于 2015-03-11 04:20:54 | 212 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递


Apache DeltaSpike

Apache DeltaSpike 包含一组 JSR-299 (CDI) 扩展,用于构建 Java SE 和 EE 平台的应用程序。

Apache DeltaSpike 1.3.0 发布,Apache DeltaSpike 包含一组 JSR-299 (CDI) 扩展,用于构建 Java SE 和 EE 平台的应用程序。 此版本是第十五个版本发布,更新内容如下:

Bug 修复

  • [DELTASPIKE-647] - AppScoped abstract repositories doesn't work

  • [DELTASPIKE-648] - @ConfigProperty in Wildfly 8.1 not working correctly

  • [DELTASPIKE-714] - QueryResult.count not work if jpql have order by

  • [DELTASPIKE-746] - Doc: JSF/ExceptionControl integration redirect example

  • [DELTASPIKE-808] - Make website to read pom.xml properties

  • [DELTASPIKE-812] - remove AttributeAware

  • [DELTASPIKE-814] - Create a root pom.xml to share common properties

  • [DELTASPIKE-818] - CDI Events with reception condition in WindowScoped beans

  • [DELTASPIKE-825] - Scheduler docs mention wrong method scheduleJob

  • [DELTASPIKE-828] - Infinite recursive loop navigating through annoations

  • [DELTASPIKE-831] - NPE in DefaultMockFilter when running JUnit and the application contains a class in the default package

  • [DELTASPIKE-834] - MessageBundle Extension not working in EARs on some containers

  • [DELTASPIKE-838] - SchedulerExtension: Multiple Job-Classes found with name


  • [DELTASPIKE-805] - Provide utils method to check if an context is active or not

  • [DELTASPIKE-829] - add hints for using jersey-test with test-control

  • [DELTASPIKE-835] - Improve build config and add tests

  • [DELTASPIKE-836] - Support case insensitive LIKE queries with method naming convention

  • [DELTASPIKE-840] - ConfigResolver#getConfigFilters() shall return unmutable List




Apache DeltaSpike 包含一组 JSR-299 (CDI) 扩展,用于构建 Java SE 和 EE 平台的应用程序。

历史版本 :
Apache DeltaSpike 1.8.1 发布,便捷 CDI 扩展
Apache DeltaSpike 1.7.1 发布,便捷 CDI 扩展
DeltaSpike 1.6.0 发布,便捷 CDI 扩展
Apache DeltaSpike 1.4.0 发布,便捷 CDI 扩展
Apache DeltaSpike 1.3.0 发布,便捷 CDI 扩展
Apache DeltaSpike 1.2.1 发布
Apache DeltaSpike 1.2.0 发布
Apache DeltaSpike 1.1.0 发布
Apache DeltaSpike 1.0.3 发布,便捷 CDI 扩展
Apache DeltaSpike 1.0.2 发布
Apache DeltaSpike 1.0.1 发布
Apache DeltaSpike 1.0.0 发布
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