发布于 2014-12-09 06:47:14 | 179 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递


Apache DeltaSpike

Apache DeltaSpike 包含一组 JSR-299 (CDI) 扩展,用于构建 Java SE 和 EE 平台的应用程序。

Apache DeltaSpike 1.2.0 发布,这是第十三个版本。

Bug 修复

  • [DELTASPIKE-745] - cdictr-weld ContextControl.startContext doesn't properly start RequestScoped context

  • [DELTASPIKE-749] - Doc: Security: Making intitially requested and secured page available for redirect after login

  • [DELTASPIKE-750] - No error message if the filename provided PropertyFileConfig implementation isn't found.

  • [DELTASPIKE-771] - BeanManagerProvider#getBeanManagerInfo(ClassLoader) wipes out info for parent CL

  • [DELTASPIKE-781] - AnnotatedTypeImpl doesn't work for Annotation AnnotatedType

  • [DELTASPIKE-782] - BeanManager lookup fails when BeanManager created in parent classloader and in SE mode


  • [DELTASPIKE-770] - Overload BeanProvider#getContextualReference with (BeanManager, String, boolean. Class) variant

  • [DELTASPIKE-773] - improved testability of @WindowScoped beans

  • [DELTASPIKE-780] - support more advanced cases by extending existing transaction-strategies

  • [DELTASPIKE-785] - Make CdiTestRunner pick up container configuration from properties file

  • [DELTASPIKE-789] - ClientWindowConfig should extend Serializable

  • [DELTASPIKE-790] - cache result for JsfModuleConfig#isDelegatedWindowHandlingEnabled




Gerhard Petracek

Apache DeltaSpike 包含一组 JSR-299 (CDI) 扩展,用于构建 Java SE 和 EE 平台的应用程序。

历史版本 :
Apache DeltaSpike 1.8.1 发布,便捷 CDI 扩展
Apache DeltaSpike 1.7.1 发布,便捷 CDI 扩展
DeltaSpike 1.6.0 发布,便捷 CDI 扩展
Apache DeltaSpike 1.4.0 发布,便捷 CDI 扩展
Apache DeltaSpike 1.3.0 发布,便捷 CDI 扩展
Apache DeltaSpike 1.2.1 发布
Apache DeltaSpike 1.2.0 发布
Apache DeltaSpike 1.1.0 发布
Apache DeltaSpike 1.0.3 发布,便捷 CDI 扩展
Apache DeltaSpike 1.0.2 发布
Apache DeltaSpike 1.0.1 发布
Apache DeltaSpike 1.0.0 发布
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