Commons Compress 用以实现将文件压缩或解压成 tar、zip、bzip2 等格式。


ArArcHiveEntry entry = new ArArchiveEntry(name, size);


ArArchiveEntry entry = (ArArchiveEntry) arInput.getNextEntry();
byte[] content = new byte[entry.getSize()];
LOOP UNTIL entry.getSize() HAS BEEN READ {, offset, content.length - offset);
Apache Commons Compress 1.14 发布
Apache Commons Compress 1.14 发布了,Commons Compress 库定义了一个使用 ar、 cpio、Unix dump、 tar、zip、gzip、 XZ、Pack200、bzip2、7z、arj、lzma、snappy、DEFLATE、lz4、Brotli 、Z 等格式文件的 API 。更新内容:Added support for writing the Snappy formatAdded support for the LZ4 compression f

发布于 2017-05-15 08:21:13 | 115 次阅读

Apache Commons Compress 1.12 发布
Apache Commons Compress 1.12 发布了,更新如下:修复 Bug:o throws an IllegalStateException for empty entries.  Issue: COMPRESS-348.o TarArchiveInputStream failed to parse PAX headers that included  blank lines.  Issue: COMPRESS-355. Thanks to Jeremy Gustie.o TarArchiv

发布于 2016-06-23 08:22:16 | 143 次阅读

Apache Commons Compress 1.11 发布
Apache Commons Compress 1.11 发布了,Commons Compress 用以实现将文件压缩或解压成 tar、zip、bzip2 等格式。该版本增加了一些新特性:o TarArchiveInputStream now supports reading global PAX headers.  Issue: COMPRESS-347.o The PAX headers for sparse entries written by star are now  applied. 

发布于 2016-04-07 00:30:13 | 122 次阅读

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