发布于 2016-06-23 08:22:16 | 143 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
Commons Compress 文件压缩/解压缩包
Commons Compress 用以实现将文件压缩或解压成 tar、zip、bzip2 等格式。
Apache Commons Compress 1.12 发布了,更新如下:
修复 Bug:
o SevenZFile.read() throws an IllegalStateException for empty entries.
Issue: COMPRESS-348.
o TarArchiveInputStream failed to parse PAX headers that included
blank lines.
Issue: COMPRESS-355. Thanks to Jeremy Gustie.
o TarArchiveInputStream failed to parse PAX headers whose tar
entry name ended with a slash.
Issue: COMPRESS-356. Thanks to Jeremy Gustie.
o Update requirement from Java 5 to 6.
Issue: COMPRESS-349.
o TarArchiveEntry wastefully allocates empty arrays.
Issue: COMPRESS-350.
o Javadoc for BZip2CompressorInputStream(InputStream, boolean)
should refer to IOEx, not NPE.
Issue: COMPRESS-353.
o PureJavaCrc32C in the snappy package is now final so it is now
safe to call a virtual method inside the constructor.
Issue: COMPRESS-354.
o ZipArchiveInputStream and CpioArchiveInputStream could throw
exceptions who's messages contained potentially corrupt entry names
read from a broken archive. They will now sanitize the names by
replacing unprintable characters and restricting the length to 255
Issue: COMPRESS-351.
o BZip2CompressorOutputStream no longer tries to finish the output
stream in finalize. This is a breaking change for code that relied
on the finalizer.
Issue: COMPRESS-357.oad_compress.cgi