发布于 2018-01-17 03:21:35 | 113 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
Logstash 开源日志管理
Logstash 是一个应用程序日志、事件的传输、处理、管理和搜索的平台。你可以用它来统一对应用程序日志进行收集管理,提供 Web 接口用于查询和统计。
Logstash 是一个开源的服务端数据处理流程,可同时从多个源中获取数据,将其转换,然后将其发送到“收藏”中,目前拥有超过 200 个插件。它能集中、转换和藏匿您的数据。
Logstash 6.1.2 更新内容:
bug 修复:
Fixed a bug that caused empty objects when cloning Logstash Timestamp instances
Changed the way pipeline configurations are hashed to ensure consistence (not user facing)
Re-order Netty pipeline to avoid NullPointerExceptions in KeepAliveHandler when Logstash is under load
Improve exception logging
Upgrade to Netty 4.1.18 with tcnative 2.0.7
Better handle case when remoteAddress is nil to reduce amount of warning messages in logs
Fix thread and memory leak. See (#255)
Upgrade Kafka client to version 1.0.0