发布于 2015-04-23 00:19:49 | 285 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
Logstash 开源日志管理
Logstash 是一个应用程序日志、事件的传输、处理、管理和搜索的平台。你可以用它来统一对应用程序日志进行收集管理,提供 Web 接口用于查询和统计。
Logstash 1.5.0-rc3 发布,此版本主要有以下更新:
Added back the ability to install plugin gems built locally on top of Logstash. This will
help plugin developers iterate and test locally without having to publish plugins (#2779)
Fixed performance regressions from 1.4.2 especially for configurations which have conditionals in filter and output. Throughput numbers are either inline with 1.4.2 or improved for certain configurations (#2870)
Fixed issue in core which was causing Logstash to not shutdown properly (#2796)
Added ability to add extra JVM options while running LS. You can use the LS_JAVA_OPTS environment variable to add to the default JVM options set out of the box. You could also completely overwrite all the default options if you wish by setting JAVA_OPTS before starting Logstash (#2942)
Fixed a regression from 1.4.2 where removing a tag in filter fails if the input event isJSON formatted (#2261)
Fixed issue where setting workers > 1 would trigger messages like "You are using a deprecated config setting ..." (#2865)
File: When shutting down Logstash with file input, it would log a "permissions denied" message. We fixed the underlying sinceDB issue while writing to a directory with no permissions (#2964, #2935, #2882, file-input#16)
Multiline: Fixed an issue where Logstash would crash while processing JSON formatted events on Java 8 (#10)
Mutate: Fixed issue where you can safely delete/rename fields which can have nil values (#2977)
Deprecate the usage of index_type configuration. Added document_type to be consistent with document_id (#102)
Added warning when used with config embedded => true. Starting an embedded Elasticsearch node is only recommended while prototyping. This should never be used in production setting (#99)
logstash 是一个应用程序日志、事件的传输、处理、管理和搜索的平台。你可以用它来统一对应用程序日志进行收集管理,提供 Web 接口用于查询和统计。