发布于 2015-06-17 02:51:26 | 269 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
Logstash 开源日志管理
Logstash 是一个应用程序日志、事件的传输、处理、管理和搜索的平台。你可以用它来统一对应用程序日志进行收集管理,提供 Web 接口用于查询和统计。
Logstash 1.5.1发布,这个版本值得关注的更新在于修复了1.5.0版本if条件如果写成多行时报错的问题。
Fixed an issue which caused Logstash to hang when used with single worker (-w 1) configuration. This issue was caused by a deadlock in the internal queue when the filter worker was trying to exclusively remove elements which conflicted with the periodic flushing in filters (#3361).
Fixed performance regression when using field reference syntax in config like [tweet][username]. This fix increases throughput in certain configs by 30% (#3238)
Windows: Added support to launch Logstash from a path with spaces (#2904)
Update to jruby-1.7.20 which brings in numerous fixes. This will also make file input work properly on FreeBSD.
Fixed regression in 1.5.0 where conditionals spread over multiple lines in a config was not working properly (#2850)
Fixed a permission issue in rpm and debian repos. When Logstash was installed using these repos, only the logstash user was able to run commands like bin/logstash version (#3249)
GeoIP: Logstash no longer crashes when IPv6 addresses are used in lookup (#8)
Added an option to disable SSL certificate verification (#160)
Bulk requests were timing out because of aggressive timeout setting in the HTTP client. Restored this to 1.4.2 behavior where there are no timeouts by default. As a follow up to this, we will be exposing an option to control timeouts in the HTTP client (#103)
Newly created issues now have description set (#3)
Summary field now expands variables in events
API authentication method changed from cookie to basic