发布于 2017-10-24 00:17:15 | 129 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
Teiid 数据虚拟化系统
简而言之:Teiid 可以让你用 JDBC + SQL 来访问企业的任何数据,并可对这些不同源的数据进行联合查询。
Teiid 9.3.4 已发布,该版本解决了 21 个 issues:
[TEIID-4567] - UCASE and LCASE functions do not work with CLOBs.
[TEIID-4870] - Google translator unexpected behavior for view update without trigger
[TEIID-5039] - Couchbase document type definition for a table
[TEIID-5041] - Couchbase documentID column enforced also in a view
[TEIID-5063] - Issues with bigdecimal values and odata
[TEIID-5065] - Unable to connect to VDB having names with unicode characters
[TEIID-5067] - Incorrect source query with simple inherent updates
[TEIID-5068] - Couchbase retrieval causes ClassCastException
[TEIID-5069] - Blob getBytes() handling of input streams reads the stream multiple times without a reset
[TEIID-5075] - Couchbase incorrect update count returned
[TEIID-5076] - Couchbase update syntax error
[TEIID-5077] - Couchbase strange behaviour for long numbers
[TEIID-5081] - FORMATTIMESTAMP is not pushed down to postgresql but formattimestamp is
[TEIID-5082] - Salesforce default URL incorrect
[TEIID-5085] - NullPointerException after SortUtility blocks in initialSort
[TEIID-5090] - Issues with matview scripts
[TEIID-5094] - Is DISTINCT FROM evaluation with two null values
[TEIID-5098] - Unsyncronized static date format for Salesforce bulk inserts
[TEIID-5104] - BigInteger mapped to string for OData 4
[TEIID-5107] - teiid-olingo-*.war not deploying in wildfly when using domain
[TEIID-5109] - Set operations and parenthesis