发布于 2017-10-06 23:56:51 | 151 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
Teiid 数据虚拟化系统
简而言之:Teiid 可以让你用 JDBC + SQL 来访问企业的任何数据,并可对这些不同源的数据进行联合查询。
尽管还没发布 WildFly 11 final,但 Teiid 10.0.0.CR1 已发布,这意味着可能还会有 CR2。看看该版本中值得关注的亮点:
TEIID-4981 Amazon S3 translator support, now read the objects directly from Amazon S3 with security
TEIID-5026 The behavior of the FROM_UNIXTIME function was corrected and the related datetime functions UNIX_TIMESTAMP, TO_MILLIS, and FROM_MILLIS were added.
TEIID-1131 Added support for importing sequence information.
TEIID-5073 Added a salesforce-41 translator/resource adapter pair, which defaults to accessing the v40 salesforce API.
TEIID-4208 Added parallelism to plan execution involving large sorts.
TEIID-5002 Upgraded to WildFly 11
与 Spring Boot 的集成。详情请查看 incremental progress
下周发布 9.3.4 版本