发布于 2017-09-12 01:28:16 | 111 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
Teiid 数据虚拟化系统
简而言之:Teiid 可以让你用 JDBC + SQL 来访问企业的任何数据,并可对这些不同源的数据进行联合查询。
Teiid 9.3.3 已发布,该版本解决了 22 个 issues:
[TEIID-5021] - Latest openjdk does not include anon cipher suites
[TEIID-5028] - SystemFunctions should be loaded once
[TEIID-5017] - More aggressively use enhanced join sorted index to prevent buffering
[TEIID-5013] - Google Spreadsheet Data Sources with custom client_id and client_secret
[TEIID-4974] - Couchbase - TRANSLATE function is transalted as REPLACE
[TEIID-4983] - Couchbase tests rely on unpredictable order
[TEIID-5014] - Unable to use parameterized query with node pg module and Teiid/JBoss VDB
[TEIID-5019] - Makedep hint using @ syntax sometimes ignored
[TEIID-5020] - Join query results in NullPointerException
[TEIID-5029] - Regression with outer join optimization
[TEIID-5030] - Couchbase error in date/timestamp/time datatype pushdown
[TEIID-5031] - Couchbase issues in functions where result is different datatype than the argument
[TEIID-5033] - Couchbase substring function is 0-based
[TEIID-5035] - Couchbase INTERSECT doesn't return any values
[TEIID-5036] - Couchbase EXCEPT returns more values than expected
[TEIID-5037] - Couchbase UNION doesn't work correctly
[TEIID-5039] - Couchbase document type definition for a table
[TEIID-5042] - Couchbase supported data types restriction issues
[TEIID-5044] - Using "SHOW PLAN" statement only shows initial plan
[TEIID-5045] - Rewriter allows "true" criteria to be modified
[TEIID-5054] - autoFailover with a multi-batch result timing issue
[TEIID-5059] - CacheEntry memory leak due to issues with touch method
请注意,TEIID-5059 是一个特别重要的问题,因为它会导致某些情况下堆缓存条目的内存泄漏。
9.2.6 预计将在未来一两天内发布。