发布于 2017-06-12 23:54:03 | 123 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
fastlane iOS 应用自动发布
fastlane 让你在不同环境下定义和运行发布管道,可帮你简化应用的发布过程,并自动化整个过程。可连接 CocoaPods 和 xctool 等工具。
Fastlane 2.38 发布了,该版本新增了 Xcode 9 和新的 iTC 支持,并带来了许多其他改进。
Add support for Xcode 9 by automatically using the right profile for each bundle identifier
Add support for enabling/disabling phased release
iOS 11 Subtitle iTunes Connect support
Update app only if we uploaded a new icon
[gym] Fix not using default export method if custom export_options
without export_method
are provided
[match] Add improved error message on match failure when branch is specified
#6875 deliver: also use --force as a way to overwrite metadata
LanguageItem keys might be under localeCode
Fix headline of "Promotional Text" in summary
Update app ratings examples
Fix Issue 9402: import cert fails if given a password with special chars
[supply] Add check_superseded_tracks option