发布于 2016-12-19 00:27:59 | 126 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
fastlane iOS 应用自动发布
fastlane 让你在不同环境下定义和运行发布管道,可帮你简化应用的发布过程,并自动化整个过程。可连接 CocoaPods 和 xctool 等工具。
Fastlane 2.1.0 发布了。更新内容:
Update README.md (#7385)
Fix not showing the lane list and selection when not passing any arguments (#7549)
Add "--fail-on-errors" support to Danger action (#7487)
Updated docs description for pilot/testflight action (#7550)
fix platform (#7360)
[gym] Remove promotion for use_legacy_build_api (#7379)
user_error if plist error (#7547)
more tests for aliases (#7546)