发布于 2017-05-05 23:49:42 | 79 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
fastlane iOS 应用自动发布
fastlane 让你在不同环境下定义和运行发布管道,可帮你简化应用的发布过程,并自动化整个过程。可连接 CocoaPods 和 xctool 等工具。
Fastlane 2.28.9 发布了,修复了一些 bug 以及性能增强:
[spaceship] Fix errors that are reported as crashes because of incorrect use of ‘UI’ class
[pilot] Fixed error reported by iTunesConnect when submitting builds without a changelog, app description, or feedback email
[supply] Better error message when not able to download screenshots and feature graphics
[ensure_git_status_clean] Improved action output
[deliver] Add message when updating an app's age rating
[artifactory] Make available as shared lane values the download URL and size after successful upload
[fastlane_core] Show message when the password is fetched from an environment variable
[deliver] Consider only whitelisted folders when detecting language