发布于 2017-03-14 23:57:56 | 103 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
Teiid 数据虚拟化系统
简而言之:Teiid 可以让你用 JDBC + SQL 来访问企业的任何数据,并可对这些不同源的数据进行联合查询。
Teiid 9.2.1 发布了,本次更新修复了 18 个问题。
[TEIID-4765] - The notion of resolving order may need to be extended beyond a schema
[TEIID-4788] - DDL vdb is expensive to process
[TEIID-4809] - lob performance issues
[TEIID-4770] - The convert script generates empty GRANT statements for roles that don't have permission to access a certain schema.
[TEIID-4771] - The convert script generates GRANT TEMPORARY_TABLE ON DATABASE statements but these fail.
[TEIID-4774] - Convert VDB utility does not work when translator overrides are present
[TEIID-4776] - Issues with array type metadata
[TEIID-4783] - missing message keys for functions
[TEIID-4785] - Add options through alter table in DDL does not work.
[TEIID-4791] - Bypass lookup function's keycolumn reserved word
[TEIID-4797] - Oracle: empty catalog messed up VDB schemas name
[TEIID-4807] - DDL format of a vdb lacks import information
[TEIID-4652] - SybaseIQ translator: DAYOFYEAR function not pushed correctly
[TEIID-4653] - SybaseIQ translator: Input parameter not set in prepared statement in source command
[TEIID-4775] - External materialization, after transaction timeout, LoadState continues to be LOADING
[TEIID-4778] - External Materialization, When TTL is less than loading time, the scheduling is off
[TEIID-4780] - Clone TEIID-4734 (Backwards compatible solution)
[TEIID-4782] - Change framework to catch RutineException from translator/connector
注意,其中几个与新的 DDL vdb 功能相关 - 感谢 Bram Gadeyne 的初步反馈。此功能将继续发展,即使在 9.2.x 中,以保持与 9.3.x 的向前兼容性。
Teiid 9.2.2 应在 3-4 周内可用。