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Apache Hive 数据仓库工具

hive是基于Hadoop的一个数据仓库工具,可以将结构化的数据文件映射为一张数据库表,并提供简单的sql查询功能,可以将sql语句转换为MapReduce任务进行运行。 其优点是学习成本低

数据仓库平台 Apache Hive 2.1.1 发布了。本次部分更新如下:


  • [HIVE-13409] - Fix JDK8 test failures related to COLUMN_STATS_ACCURATE

  • [HIVE-13549] - Remove jdk version specific out files from Hive2

  • [HIVE-13587] - Set Hive pom to use Hadoop 2.6.1

  • [HIVE-13593] - HiveServer2: Performance instrumentation for HIVE-12049 (serializing thrift ResultSets in tasks)

  • [HIVE-13723] - Executing join query on type Float using Thrift Serde will result in Float cast to Double error

  • [HIVE-13798] - Fix the unit test failure org.apache.hadoop.hive.cli.TestCliDriver.testCliDriver_ivyDownload

  • [HIVE-13803] - More aggressive inference of transitive predicates for inner joins

  • [HIVE-13860] - Fix more json related JDK8 test failures

  • [HIVE-13901] - Hivemetastore add partitions can be slow depending on filesystems

  • [HIVE-13965] - Empty resultset run into Exception when using Thrift Binary Serde

  • [HIVE-14028] - stats is not updated

  • [HIVE-14039] - HiveServer2: Make the usage of server with JDBC thirft serde enabled, backward compatible for older clients

  • [HIVE-14191] - bump a new api version for ThriftJDBCBinarySerde changes

  • [HIVE-14276] - Update protocol version in TOpenSessionReq and TOpenSessionResp

  • [HIVE-14277] - Disable StatsOptimizer for all ACID tables


  • [HIVE-9423] - HiveServer2: Provide the user with different error messages depending on the Thrift client exception code

  • [HIVE-10022] - Authorization checks for non existent file/directory should not be recursive

  • [HIVE-11402] - HS2 - add an option to disallow parallel query execution within a single Session

  • [HIVE-13191] - DummyTable map joins mix up columns between tables

  • [HIVE-13264] - JDBC driver makes 2 Open Session Calls for every open session

  • [HIVE-13369] - AcidUtils.getAcidState() is not paying attention toValidTxnList when choosing the "best" base file

  • [HIVE-13392] - disable speculative execution for ACID Compactor

  • [HIVE-13539] - HiveHFileOutputFormat searching the wrong directory for HFiles

  • [HIVE-13590] - Kerberized HS2 with LDAP auth enabled fails in multi-domain LDAP case

  • [HIVE-13610] - Hive exec module won't compile with IBM JDK

  • [HIVE-13648] - ORC Schema Evolution doesn't support same type conversion for VARCHAR, CHAR, or DECIMAL when maxLength or precision/scale is different

  • [HIVE-13704] - Don't call DistCp.execute() instead of DistCp.run()

  • [HIVE-13725] - ACID: Streaming API should synchronize calls when multiple threads use the same endpoint

  • [HIVE-13744] - LLAP IO - add complex types support

  • [HIVE-13749] - Memory leak in Hive Metastore

  • [HIVE-13809] - Hybrid Grace Hash Join memory usage estimation didn't take into account the bloom filter size

  • [HIVE-13836] - DbNotifications giving an error = Invalid state. Transaction has already started

  • [HIVE-13874] - Tighten up EOF checking in Fast DeserializeRead classes; display better exception information; add new Unit Tests

  • [HIVE-13932] - Hive SMB Map Join with small set of LIMIT failed with NPE

  • [HIVE-13934] - Configure Tez to make nocondiional task size memory available for the Processor

  • [HIVE-13985] - ORC improvements for reducing the file system calls in task side

  • [HIVE-13991] - Union All on view fail with no valid permission on underneath table

  • [HIVE-13997] - Insert overwrite directory doesn't overwrite existing files

  • [HIVE-14000] - (ORC) Changing a numeric type column of a partitioned table to lower type set values to something other than 'NULL'

  • [HIVE-14003] - queries running against llap hang at times - preemption issues

  • [HIVE-14004] - Minor compaction produces ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 7 in SchemaEvolution.getFileType

  • [HIVE-14012] - some ColumnVector-s are missing ensureSize

  • [HIVE-14022] - left semi join should throw SemanticException if where clause contains columnname from right table

  • [HIVE-14024] - setAllColumns is called incorrectly after some changes

  • [HIVE-14027] - NULL values produced by left outer join do not behave as NULL

  • [HIVE-14031] - cleanup metadataReader in OrcEncodedDataReader

  • [HIVE-14034] - Vectorization may fail with compex OR conditions

  • [HIVE-14038] - miscellaneous acid improvements

  • [HIVE-14041] - llap scripts add hadoop and other libraries from the machine local install to the daemon classpath

  • [HIVE-14045] - (Vectorization) Add missing case for BINARY in VectorizationContext.getNormalizedName method

  • [HIVE-14055] - directSql - getting the number of partitions is broken

  • [HIVE-14059] - Missing license headers for two files

  • [HIVE-14062] - Changes from HIVE-13502 overwritten by HIVE-13566

  • [HIVE-14071] - HIVE-14014 breaks non-file outputs

  • [HIVE-14072] - QueryIds reused across different queries

  • [HIVE-14073] - update config whiltelist for sql std authorization

  • [HIVE-14076] - Vectorization is not supported for datatype:VOID error while inserting data into specific columns

  • [HIVE-14079] - Remove file, method and line number from pattern layout

  • [HIVE-14083] - ALTER INDEX in Tez causes NullPointerException

  • [HIVE-14090] - JDOExceptions thrown by the Metastore have their full stack trace returned to clients

  • [HIVE-14092] - Kryo exception when deserializing VectorFileSinkOperator

  • [HIVE-14098] - Logging task properties, and environment variables might contain passwords

  • [HIVE-14111] - better concurrency handling for TezSessionState - part I

  • [HIVE-14114] - Ensure RecordWriter in streaming API is using the same UserGroupInformation as StreamingConnection

  • [HIVE-14122] - VectorMapOperator: Missing update to AbstractMapOperator::numRows

  • [HIVE-14132] - Don't fail config validation for removed configs

  • [HIVE-14136] - LLAP ZK SecretManager should resolve _HOST in principal

  • [HIVE-14137] - Hive on Spark throws FileAlreadyExistsException for jobs with multiple empty tables

  • [HIVE-14140] - LLAP: package codec jars

  • [HIVE-14144] - Permanent functions are showing up in show functions, but describe says it doesn't exist

  • [HIVE-14147] - Hive PPD might remove predicates when they are defined as a simple expr e.g. WHERE 'a'

  • [HIVE-14152] - datanucleus.autoStartMechanismMode should set to 'Ignored' to allow rolling downgrade

  • [HIVE-14153] - Beeline: beeline history doesn't work on Hive2

  • [HIVE-14163] - LLAP: use different kerberized/unkerberized zk paths for registry

  • [HIVE-14172] - LLAP: force evict blocks by size to handle memory fragmentation

  • [HIVE-14173] - NPE was thrown after enabling directsql in the middle of session

  • [HIVE-14175] - Fix creating buckets without scheme information

  • [HIVE-14176] - CBO nesting windowing function within each other when merging Project operators

  • [HIVE-14178] - Hive::needsToCopy should reuse FileUtils::equalsFileSystem

  • [HIVE-14184] - Adding test for limit pushdown in presence of grouping sets

  • [HIVE-14187] - JDOPersistenceManager objects remain cached if MetaStoreClient#close is not called

  • [HIVE-14188] - LLAPIF: wrong user field is used from the token

  • [HIVE-14192] - False positive error due to thrift

  • [HIVE-14195] - HiveMetaStoreClient getFunction() does not throw NoSuchObjectException

  • [HIVE-14197] - LLAP service driver precondition failure should include the values

  • [HIVE-14205] - Hive doesn't support union type with AVRO file format

  • [HIVE-14207] - Strip HiveConf hidden params in webui conf

  • [HIVE-14210] - ExecDriver should call jobclient.close() to trigger cleanup

  • [HIVE-14214] - ORC Schema Evolution and Predicate Push Down do not work together (no rows returned)

  • [HIVE-14215] - Displaying inconsistent CPU usage data with MR execution engine

  • [HIVE-14218] - LLAP: ACL validation fails if the user name is different from principal user name

  • [HIVE-14222] - PTF: Operator initialization does not clean state

  • [HIVE-14223] - beeline should look for jdbc standalone jar in dist/jdbc dir instead of dist/lib

  • [HIVE-14236] - CTAS with UNION ALL puts the wrong stats in Tez

  • [HIVE-14241] - Acid clashes with ConfVars.HIVEFETCHTASKCONVERSION <> "none"

  • [HIVE-14242] - Backport ORC-53 to Hive

  • [HIVE-14244] - bucketmap right outer join query throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException

  • [HIVE-14245] - NoClassDefFoundError when starting LLAP daemon

  • [HIVE-14253] - Fix MinimrCliDriver test failure

  • [HIVE-14262] - Inherit writetype from partition WriteEntity for table WriteEntity

  • [HIVE-14263] - Log message when HS2 query is waiting on compile lock

  • [HIVE-14265] - Partial stats in Join operator may lead to data size estimate of 0

  • [HIVE-14267] - HS2 open_operations metrics not decremented when an operation gets timed out

  • [HIVE-14268] - INSERT-OVERWRITE is not generating an INSERT event during hive replication


  • [HIVE-10815] - Let HiveMetaStoreClient Choose MetaStore Randomly

  • [HIVE-13631] - Support index in HBase Metastore

  • [HIVE-13982] - Extensions to RS dedup: execute with different column order and sorting direction if possible

  • [HIVE-14002] - Extend limit propagation to subsequent RS operators

  • [HIVE-14018] - Make IN clause row selectivity estimation customizable

  • [HIVE-14021] - When converting to CNF, fail if the expression exceeds a threshold

  • [HIVE-14057] - Add an option in llapstatus to generate output to a file

  • [HIVE-14080] - hive.metastore.schema.verification should check for schema compatiblity

  • [HIVE-14167] - Use work directories provided by Tez instead of directly using YARN local dirs

  • [HIVE-14213] - Add timeouts for various components in llap status check

  • [HIVE-14228] - Better row count estimates for outer join during physical planning

  • [HIVE-14383] - SparkClientImpl should pass principal and keytab to spark-submit instead of calling kinit explicitely

  • [HIVE-14545] - HiveServer2 with http transport mode spends too much time just creating configs


  • [HIVE-14202] - Change tez version used to 0.8.4

  • [HIVE-15248] - Add Apache header license to TestCustomPartitionVertex


  • [HIVE-14212] - hbase_queries result out of date on branch-2.1

  • [HIVE-14316] - TestLlapTokenChecker.testCheckPermissions, testGetToken fail

  • [HIVE-14713] - LDAP Authentication Provider should be covered with unit tests



历史版本 :
Apache Hive 2.3.1 发布,数据仓库平台
Apache Hive 2.3.0 发布,数据仓库平台
Apache Hive 2.1.1 发布,数据仓库平台
Apache Hive 2.1.0 发布,数据仓库平台
Apache Hive 2.0.1 发布,数据仓库平台
Apache Hive 2.0.0 发布,数据仓库平台
Apache Archives2.4.16 发布
Apache Hive 1.2.1 发布,数据库仓库平台
Apache Hive 1.0.1/1.1.1 发布,数据仓库平台
Apache Hive 1.2.0 发布,数据仓库平台
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