发布于 2016-06-21 23:51:15 | 716 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递

这里有新鲜出炉的Apache Hive教程,程序狗速度看过来!

Apache Hive 数据仓库工具

hive是基于Hadoop的一个数据仓库工具,可以将结构化的数据文件映射为一张数据库表,并提供简单的sql查询功能,可以将sql语句转换为MapReduce任务进行运行。 其优点是学习成本低

Apache Hive 2.0.1 发布了,完整改进记录如下:


  • [HIVE-9774] - Print yarn application id to console [Spark Branch]

  • [HIVE-10280] - LLAP: Handle errors while sending source state updates to the daemons

  • [HIVE-11107] - Support for Performance regression test suite with TPCDS

  • [HIVE-11417] - Create shims for the row by row read path that is backed by VectorizedRowBatch

  • [HIVE-11526] - LLAP: implement LLAP UI as a separate service - part 1

  • [HIVE-11766] - LLAP: Remove MiniLlapCluster from shim layer after hadoop-1 removal

  • [HIVE-11927] - Implement/Enable constant related optimization rules in Calcite: enable HiveReduceExpressionsRule to fold constants

  • [HIVE-12049] - HiveServer2: Provide an option to write serialized thrift objects in final tasks

  • [HIVE-12159] - Create vectorized readers for the complex types

  • [HIVE-12442] - HiveServer2: Refactor/repackage HiveServer2's Thrift code so that it can be used in the tasks

  • [HIVE-12499] - Add HMS metrics for number of tables and partitions

  • [HIVE-12543] - Disable Hive ConstantPropagate optimizer when CBO has optimized the plan

  • [HIVE-12550] - Cache and display last N completed queries in HS2 WebUI 

  • [HIVE-12709] - further improve user level explain

  • [HIVE-12733] - UX improvements for HIVE-12499

  • [HIVE-12781] - Temporarily disable authorization tests that always fail on Jenkins

  • [HIVE-12782] - update the golden files for some tests that fail

  • [HIVE-12793] - Address TestSparkCliDriver.testCliDriver_order2 failure due to HIVE-12782

  • [HIVE-12802] - CBO: Calcite Operator To Hive Operator (Calcite Return Path): MiniTezCliDriver.vector_join_filters.q failure

  • [HIVE-12805] - CBO: Calcite Operator To Hive Operator (Calcite Return Path): MiniTezCliDriver skewjoin.q failure

  • [HIVE-12853] - LLAP: localize permanent UDF jars to daemon and add them to classloader

  • [HIVE-12855] - LLAP: add checks when resolving UDFs to enforce whitelist

  • [HIVE-12857] - LLAP: modify the decider to allow using LLAP with whitelisted UDFs

  • [HIVE-12868] - Fix empty operation-pool metrics

  • [HIVE-12889] - Support COUNT(DISTINCT) for partitioning query.

  • [HIVE-12910] - HBaseStore: initial null value of aggregateData can not call compareTo

  • [HIVE-12918] - LLAP should never create embedded metastore when localizing functions

  • [HIVE-12944] - Support SUM(DISTINCT) for partitioning query.

  • [HIVE-12952] - Show query sub-pages on webui

  • [HIVE-12960] - Migrate Column Stats Extrapolation and UniformDistribution to HBaseStore

  • [HIVE-12961] - Migrate Column Stats UniformDistribution to HBaseStore

  • [HIVE-13005] - CBO: Calcite Operator To Hive Operator (Calcite Return Path): RexNode convert(ExprNodeConstantDesc literal) decimal support bug

  • [HIVE-13068] - Disable Hive ConstantPropagate optimizer when CBO has optimized the plan II

  • [HIVE-13129] - CliService leaks HMS connection

  • [HIVE-13130] - HS2 changes : API calls for retrieving primary keys and foreign keys information

  • [HIVE-13198] - Authorization issues with cascading views

  • [HIVE-13290] - Support primary keys/foreign keys constraint as part of create table command in Hive

  • [HIVE-13318] - Cache the result of getTable from metastore

  • [HIVE-13341] - Stats state is not captured correctly: differentiate load table and create table

  • [HIVE-13349] - Metastore Changes : API calls for retrieving primary keys and foreign keys information

  • [HIVE-13350] - Support Alter commands for Rely/NoRely novalidate for PK/FK constraints

  • [HIVE-13351] - Support drop Primary Key/Foreign Key constraints

  • [HIVE-13358] - Stats state is not captured correctly: turn off stats optimizer for sampled table

  • [HIVE-13360] - Refactoring Hive Authorization

  • [HIVE-13362] - Commit binary file required for HIVE-13361

  • [HIVE-13420] - Clarify HS2 WebUI Query 'Elapsed TIme'

  • [HIVE-13424] - Refactoring the code to pass a QueryState object rather than HiveConf object

  • [HIVE-13442] - LLAP: refactor submit API to be amenable to signing

  • [HIVE-13444] - LLAP: add HMAC signatures to LLAP; verify them on LLAP side

  • [HIVE-13477] - Set HivePrivilegeObjectType to TABLE_OR_VIEW

  • [HIVE-13486] - Cast the column type for column masking

  • [HIVE-13505] - Skip running TestDummy where possibe during precommit builds

  • [HIVE-13507] - Improved logging for ptest

  • [HIVE-13511] - Run clidriver tests from within the qtest dir for the precommit tests

  • [HIVE-13520] - Don't allow any test to run for longer than 60minutes in the ptest setup

  • [HIVE-13541] - Pass view's ColumnAccessInfo to HiveAuthorizer


  • [HIVE-13565] - thrift change

  • [HIVE-13566] - Auto-gather column stats - phase 1

  • [HIVE-13620] - Merge llap branch work to master

  • [HIVE-13637] - Fold CASE into NVL when CBO optimized the plan

  • [HIVE-13638] - CBO rule to pull up constants through Sort/Limit

  • [HIVE-13639] - CBO rule to pull up constants through Union

  • [HIVE-13654] - Add JAVA8_URL to jenkins-submit-build.sh

  • [HIVE-13722] - Add flag to detect constants to CBO pull up rules

  • [HIVE-13758] - "Create table like" command should initialize the basic stats for the table

  • [HIVE-13786] - Fix the unit test failure org.apache.hive.service.cli.session.TestHiveSessionImpl.testLeakOperationHandle

  • [HIVE-13794] - HIVE_RPC_QUERY_PLAN should always be set when generating LLAP splits

  • [HIVE-13806] - Extension to folding NOT expressions in CBO

  • [HIVE-13807] - Extend metadata provider to pull up predicates through Union

  • [HIVE-13808] - Use constant expressions to backtrack when we create ReduceSink

  • [HIVE-13838] - Set basic stats as inaccurate for all ACID tables

  • [HIVE-13852] - NPE in TaskLocationHints during LLAP GetSplits request

  • [HIVE-13905] - optimize ColumnStatsTask::constructColumnStatsFromPackedRows to have lesser number of getTable calls

  • [HIVE-13910] - [Ranger-Hive] select from a table is not working if used as <dbname.tablename>

  • [HIVE-13922] - Optimize the code path that analyzes/updates col stats

  • [HIVE-13942] - Correctness of CASE folding in the presence of NULL values

  • [HIVE-13984] - Use multi-threaded approach to listing files for msck


  • [HIVE-1608] - use sequencefile as the default for storing intermediate results

  • [HIVE-4662] - first_value can't have more than one order by column

  • [HIVE-8343] - Return value from BlockingQueue.offer() is not checked in DynamicPartitionPruner

  • [HIVE-9144] - Beeline + Kerberos shouldn't prompt for unused username + password

  • [HIVE-9457] - Fix obsolete parameter name in HiveConf description of hive.hashtable.initialCapacity

  • [HIVE-9499] - hive.limit.query.max.table.partition makes queries fail on non-partitioned tables

  • [HIVE-9534] - incorrect result set for query that projects a windowed aggregate

  • [HIVE-9862] - Vectorized execution corrupts timestamp values

  • [HIVE-10171] - Create a storage-api module

  • [HIVE-10187] - Avro backed tables don't handle cyclical or recursive records

  • [HIVE-10632] - Make sure TXN_COMPONENTS gets cleaned up if table is dropped before compaction.

  • [HIVE-10729] - Query failed when select complex columns from joinned table (tez map join only)

  • [HIVE-11097] - HiveInputFormat uses String.startsWith to compare splitPath and PathToAliases

  • [HIVE-11388] - Allow ACID Compactor components to run in multiple metastores

  • [HIVE-11427] - Location of temporary table for CREATE TABLE SELECT broken by HIVE-7079

  • [HIVE-11484] - Fix ObjectInspector for Char and VarChar

  • [HIVE-11550] - ACID queries pollute HiveConf

  • [HIVE-11675] - make use of file footer PPD API in ETL strategy or separate strategy

  • [HIVE-11716] - Reading ACID table from non-acid session should raise an error

  • [HIVE-11806] - Create test for HIVE-11174

  • [HIVE-11828] - beeline -f fails on scripts with tabs between column type and comment

  • [HIVE-11848] - tables in subqueries don't get locked

  • [HIVE-11866] - Add framework to enable testing using LDAPServer using LDAP protocol

  • [HIVE-11935] - Race condition in HiveMetaStoreClient: isCompatibleWith and close

  • [HIVE-11959] - add simple test case for TestTableIterable

  • [HIVE-12039] - Temporarily disable TestSSL#testSSLVersion 

  • [HIVE-12045] - ClassNotFoundException for GenericUDF [Spark Branch]

  • [HIVE-12064] - prevent transactional=false

  • [HIVE-12075] - add analyze command to explictly cache file metadata in HBase metastore

  • [HIVE-12165] - wrong result when hive.optimize.sampling.orderby=true with some aggregate functions

  • [HIVE-12367] - Lock/unlock database should add current database to inputs and outputs of authz hook

  • [HIVE-12395] - Turn off CBO for hive.support.special.characters.tablename tests until feature is complete

  • [HIVE-12441] - Driver.acquireLocksAndOpenTxn() should only call recordValidTxns() when needed

  • [HIVE-12466] - SparkCounter not initialized error

  • [HIVE-12478] - Improve Hive/Calcite Transitive Predicate inference

  • [HIVE-12502] - to_date UDF cannot accept NULLs of VOID type

  • [HIVE-12528] - don't start HS2 Tez sessions in a single thread

  • [HIVE-12529] - HiveTxnManager.acquireLocks() should not block forever

  • [HIVE-12538] - After set spark related config, SparkSession never get reused

  • [HIVE-12552] - Wrong number of reducer estimation causing job to fail

  • [HIVE-12554] - Fix Spark branch build after merge [Spark Branch]

  • [HIVE-12558] - LLAP: output QueryFragmentCounters somewhere

  • [HIVE-12567] - Enhance TxnHandler retry logic to handle ORA-08176

  • [HIVE-12568] - Provide an option to specify network interface used by Spark remote client [Spark Branch]

  • [HIVE-12570] - Incorrect error message Expression not in GROUP BY key thrown instead of Invalid function

  • [HIVE-12608] - Parquet Schema Evolution doesn't work when a column is dropped from array<struct<>>

  • [HIVE-12612] - beeline always exits with 0 status when reading query from standard input

  • [HIVE-12616] - NullPointerException when spark session is reused to run a mapjoin

  • [HIVE-12619] - (Parquet) Switching the field order within an array of structs causes the query to fail

  • [HIVE-12620] - Misc improvement to Acid module

  • [HIVE-12635] - Hive should return the latest hbase cell timestamp as the row timestamp value

  • [HIVE-12643] - For self describing InputFormat don't replicate schema information in partitions

  • [HIVE-12650] - Improve error messages for Hive on Spark in case the cluster has no resources available

  • [HIVE-12673] - Orcfiledump throws NPE when no files are available

  • [HIVE-12708] - Hive on Spark doesn't work with Kerboresed HBase [Spark Branch]

  • [HIVE-12723] - stats_filemetadata test was added to the wrong driver

  • [HIVE-12725] - CompactionTxnHandler.findNextToCompact() may produce "Operation not allowed after ResultSet closed"

  • [HIVE-12749] - Constant propagate returns string values in incorrect format

  • [HIVE-12752] - Change the schema version to 2.1.0 

  • [HIVE-12757] - Fix TestCodahaleMetrics#testFileReporting

  • [HIVE-12780] - Fix the output of the history command in Beeline

  • [HIVE-12784] - Group by SemanticException: Invalid column reference

  • [HIVE-12789] - Fix output twice in the history command of Beeline

  • [HIVE-12792] - HIVE-12075 didn't update operation type for plugins

  • [HIVE-12795] - Vectorized execution causes ClassCastException

  • [HIVE-12799] - Always use Schema Evolution for ACID

  • [HIVE-12808] - Logical PPD: Push filter clauses through PTF(Windowing) into TS

  • [HIVE-12834] - Fix to accept the arrow keys in BeeLine CLI

  • [HIVE-12837] - Better memory estimation/allocation for hybrid grace hash join during hash table loading

  • [HIVE-12848] - Change derby scripts, for HMS upgrade tests, to accomodate 32-bit VM.

  • [HIVE-12862] - Fix pom.xml to package hiveserver2.jsp

  • [HIVE-12865] - Exchange partition does not show inputs field for post/pre execute hooks

  • [HIVE-12867] - Semantic Exception Error Msg should be with in the range of "10000 to 19999"

  • [HIVE-12880] - spark-assembly causes Hive class version problems

  • [HIVE-12885] - LDAP Authenticator improvements

  • [HIVE-12886] - invalid column reference error on grouping by constant

  • [HIVE-12887] - Handle ORC schema on read with fewer columns than file schema (after Schema Evolution changes)

  • [HIVE-12888] - TestSparkNegativeCliDriver does not run in Spark mode[Spark Branch]

  • [HIVE-12894] - Detect whether ORC is reading from ACID table correctly for Schema Evolution

  • [HIVE-12909] - Some encryption q-tests fail because trash is disabled in encryption_with_trash.q

  • [HIVE-12927] - HBase metastore: sequences should be one per row, not all in one row

  • [HIVE-12933] - Beeline will hang when authenticating with PAM when libjpam.so is missing

  • [HIVE-12937] - DbNotificationListener unable to clean up old notification events

  • [HIVE-12941] - Unexpected result when using MIN() on struct with NULL in first field

  • [HIVE-12951] - Reduce Spark executor prewarm timeout to 5s

  • [HIVE-12963] - LIMIT statement with SORT BY creates additional MR job with hardcoded only one reducer

  • [HIVE-12965] - Insert overwrite local directory should perserve the overwritten directory permission

  • [HIVE-12966] - Change some ZooKeeperHiveLockManager logs to debug

  • [HIVE-12969] - Fix Javadoc for PredicatePushDown class

  • [HIVE-12976] - MetaStoreDirectSql doesn't batch IN lists in all cases

  • [HIVE-12981] - ThriftCLIService uses incompatible getShortName() implementation

  • [HIVE-12990] - LLAP: ORC cache NPE without FileID support

  • [HIVE-12992] - Hive on tez: Bucket map join plan is incorrect

  • [HIVE-12993] - user and password supplied from URL is overwritten by the empty user and password of the JDBC connection string when it's calling from beeline

  • [HIVE-12995] - LLAP: Synthetic file ids need collision checks

  • [HIVE-12996] - Temp tables shouldn't be locked

  • [HIVE-12998] - ORC FileDump.printJsonData() does not close RecordReader

  • [HIVE-12999] - Tez: Vertex creation reduce NN IPCs

  • [HIVE-13002] - Hive object is not thread safe, is shared via a threadlocal and thus should not be passed around too much - part 1

  • [HIVE-13008] - WebHcat DDL commands in secure mode NPE when default FileSystem doesn't support delegation tokens

  • [HIVE-13009] - Fix add_jar_file.q on Windows

  • [HIVE-13013] - Further Improve concurrency in TxnHandler

  • [HIVE-13015] - Bundle Log4j2 jars with hive-exec

  • [HIVE-13016] - ORC FileDump recovery utility fails in Windows

  • [HIVE-13017] - Child process of HiveServer2 fails to get delegation token from non default FileSystem

  • [HIVE-13020] - Hive Metastore and HiveServer2 to Zookeeper fails with IBM JDK

  • [HIVE-13021] - GenericUDAFEvaluator.isEstimable(agg) always returns false

  • [HIVE-13036] - Split hive.root.logger separately to make it compatible with log4j1.x (for remaining services)

  • [HIVE-13038] - LLAP needs service class registration for token identifier

  • [HIVE-13039] - BETWEEN predicate is not functioning correctly with predicate pushdown on Parquet table

  • [HIVE-13042] - OrcFiledump runs into an ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException when running against old versions of ORC files

  • [HIVE-13043] - Reload function has no impact to function registry

  • [HIVE-13045] - move guava dependency back to 14 after HIVE-12952

  • [HIVE-13047] - Disabling Web UI leads to NullPointerException

  • [HIVE-13048] - Rogue SQL statement in an upgrade SQL file for oracle.

  • [HIVE-13051] - Deadline class has numerous issues

  • [HIVE-13052] - Allow tests to start MiniHS2 for manual testing

  • [HIVE-13056] - delegation tokens do not work with HS2 when used with http transport and kerberos

  • [HIVE-13057] - Remove duplicate copies of TableDesc property values in PartitionDesc

  • [HIVE-13062] - Hive metastore test failing

  • [HIVE-13064] - Serde properties are not working while expecting output in a directory

  • [HIVE-13065] - Hive throws NPE when writing map type data to a HBase backed table

  • [HIVE-13070] - Precommit HMS tests should run in addition to precommit normal tests, not instead of

  • [HIVE-13077] - LLAP: Scrub daemon-site.xml from client configs

  • [HIVE-13079] - LLAP: Allow reading log4j properties from default JAR resources

  • [HIVE-13082] - Enable constant propagation optimization in query with left semi join

  • [HIVE-13083] - Writing HiveDecimal to ORC can wrongly suppress present stream

  • [HIVE-13084] - Vectorization add support for PROJECTION Multi-AND/OR

  • [HIVE-13086] - LLAP: Programmatically initialize log4j2 to print out the properties location

  • [HIVE-13087] - LLAP: Print STW pause time and useful application time

  • [HIVE-13089] - Rounding in Stats for equality expressions

  • [HIVE-13090] - Hive metastore crashes on NPE with ZooKeeperTokenStore

  • [HIVE-13093] - hive metastore does not exit on start failure

  • [HIVE-13094] - CBO: Assertion error in Case expression

  • [HIVE-13096] - Cost to choose side table in MapJoin conversion based on cumulative cardinality

  • [HIVE-13099] - Non-SQLOperations lead to Web UI NPE

  • [HIVE-13100] - Revert HIVE-13015 that bundles log4j2 jars in hive-exec.jar

  • [HIVE-13101] - NullPointerException in HiveLexer.g

  • [HIVE-13105] - LLAP token hashCode and equals methods are incorrect

  • [HIVE-13108] - Operators: SORT BY randomness is not safe with network partitions

  • [HIVE-13110] - LLAP: Package log4j2 jars into Slider pkg

  • [HIVE-13111] - Fix timestamp / interval_day_time wrong results with HIVE-9862 

  • [HIVE-13112] - Expose Lineage information in case of CTAS

  • [HIVE-13115] - MetaStore Direct SQL getPartitions call fail when the columns schemas for a partition are null

  • [HIVE-13126] - Clean up MapJoinOperator properly to avoid object cache reuse with unintentional states

  • [HIVE-13128] - NullScan fails on a secure setup

  • [HIVE-13131] - TezWork queryName can be null after HIVE-12523

  • [HIVE-13134] - JDBC: JDBC Standalone should not be in the lib dir by default

  • [HIVE-13135] - LLAP: HTTPS Webservices needs trusted keystore configs

  • [HIVE-13141] - Hive on Spark over HBase should accept parameters starting with "zookeeper.znode"

  • [HIVE-13144] - HS2 can leak ZK ACL objects when curator retries to create the persistent ephemeral node

  • [HIVE-13146] - OrcFile table property values are case sensitive

  • [HIVE-13151] - Clean up UGI objects in FileSystem cache for transactions

  • [HIVE-13153] - SessionID is appended to thread name twice

  • [HIVE-13160] - HS2 unable to load UDFs on startup when HMS is not ready

  • [HIVE-13163] - ORC MemoryManager thread checks are fatal, should WARN 

  • [HIVE-13169] - HiveServer2: Support delegation token based connection when using http transport

  • [HIVE-13174] - Remove Vectorizer noise in logs

  • [HIVE-13175] - Disallow making external tables transactional

  • [HIVE-13178] - Enhance ORC Schema Evolution to handle more standard data type conversions

  • [HIVE-13184] - LLAP: DAG credentials (e.g. HBase tokens) are not passed to the tasks in Tez plugin

  • [HIVE-13185] - orc.ReaderImp.ensureOrcFooter() method fails on small text files with IndexOutOfBoundsException

  • [HIVE-13186] - ALTER TABLE RENAME should lowercase table name and hdfs location

  • [HIVE-13197] - Add adapted constprog2.q and constprog_partitioner.q tests back

  • [HIVE-13199] - NDC stopped working in LLAP logging

  • [HIVE-13200] - Aggregation functions returning empty rows on partitioned columns

  • [HIVE-13201] - Compaction shouldn't be allowed on non-ACID table

  • [HIVE-13209] - metastore get_delegation_token fails with null ip address

  • [HIVE-13210] - Revert changes in HIVE-12994 related to metastore

  • [HIVE-13211] - normalize Hive.get overloads to go thru one path

  • [HIVE-13213] - make DbLockManger work for non-acid resources

  • [HIVE-13216] - ORC Reader will leave file open until GC when opening a malformed ORC file

  • [HIVE-13217] - Replication for HoS mapjoin small file needs to respect dfs.replication.max

  • [HIVE-13218] - LLAP: better configs part 1

  • [HIVE-13223] - HoS may hang for queries that run on 0 splits 

  • [HIVE-13227] - LLAP: Change daemon initialization logs from INFO to WARN

  • [HIVE-13232] - Aggressively drop compression buffers in ORC OutStreams

  • [HIVE-13233] - Use min and max values to estimate better stats for comparison operators

  • [HIVE-13236] - LLAP: token renewal interval needs to be set

  • [HIVE-13237] - Select parquet struct field with upper case throws NPE

  • [HIVE-13240] - GroupByOperator: Drop the hash aggregates when closing operator

  • [HIVE-13241] - LLAP: Incremental Caching marks some small chunks as "incomplete CB"

  • [HIVE-13242] - DISTINCT keyword is dropped by the parser for windowing

  • [HIVE-13243] - Hive drop table on encyption zone fails for external tables

  • [HIVE-13246] - Add log line to ORC writer to print out the file path

  • [HIVE-13251] - hive can't read the decimal in AVRO file generated from previous version

  • [HIVE-13255] - FloatTreeReader.nextVector is expensive 

  • [HIVE-13260] - ReduceSinkDeDuplication throws exception when pRS key is empty

  • [HIVE-13261] - Can not compute column stats for partition when schema evolves

  • [HIVE-13262] - LLAP: Remove log levels from DebugUtils

  • [HIVE-13263] - Vectorization: Unable to vectorize regexp_extract/regexp_replace " Udf: GenericUDFBridge, is not supported"

  • [HIVE-13267] - Vectorization: Add SelectLikeStringColScalar for non-filter operations

  • [HIVE-13269] - Simplify comparison expressions using column stats

  • [HIVE-13283] - LLAP: make sure IO elevator is enabled by default in the daemons

  • [HIVE-13285] - Orc concatenation may drop old files from moving to final path

  • [HIVE-13286] - Query ID is being reused across queries

  • [HIVE-13287] - Add logic to estimate stats for IN operator

  • [HIVE-13291] - ORC BI Split strategy should consider block size instead of file size

  • [HIVE-13293] - Query occurs performance degradation after enabling parallel order by for Hive on Spark

  • [HIVE-13294] - AvroSerde leaks the connection in a case when reading schema from a url

  • [HIVE-13296] - Add vectorized Q test with complex types showing count(*) etc work correctly

  • [HIVE-13298] - nested join support causes undecipherable errors in SemanticAnalyzer

  • [HIVE-13299] - Column Names trimmed of leading and trailing spaces

  • [HIVE-13300] - Hive on spark throws exception for multi-insert with join

  • [HIVE-13302] - direct SQL: cast to date doesn't work on Oracle

  • [HIVE-13303] - spill to YARN directories, not tmp, when available

  • [HIVE-13310] - Vectorized Projection Comparison Number Column to Scalar broken for !noNulls and selectedInUse

  • [HIVE-13311] - MetaDataFormatUtils throws NPE when HiveDecimal.create is null

  • [HIVE-13313] - TABLESAMPLE ROWS feature broken for Vectorization

  • [HIVE-13320] - Apply HIVE-11544 to explicit conversions as well as implicit ones

  • [HIVE-13322] - LLAP: ZK registry throws at shutdown due to slf4j trying to initialize a log4j logger

  • [HIVE-13324] - LLAP: history log for FRAGMENT_START doesn't log DagId correctly

  • [HIVE-13325] - Excessive logging when ORC PPD fails type conversions

  • [HIVE-13326] - HiveServer2: Make ZK config publishing configurable

  • [HIVE-13327] - SessionID added to HS2 threadname does not trim spaces

  • [HIVE-13330] - ORC vectorized string dictionary reader does not differentiate null vs empty string dictionary

  • [HIVE-13332] - support dumping all row indexes in ORC FileDump

  • [HIVE-13333] - StatsOptimizer throws ClassCastException

  • [HIVE-13338] - Differences in vectorized_casts.q output for vectorized and non-vectorized runs

  • [HIVE-13339] - Vectorization: GenericUDFBetween in Projection mode 

  • [HIVE-13340] - Vectorization: from_unixtime UDF shim

  • [HIVE-13342] - Improve logging in llap decider and throw exception in case llap mode is all but we cannot run in llap.

  • [HIVE-13343] - Need to disable hybrid grace hash join in llap mode except for dynamically partitioned hash join

  • [HIVE-13346] - LLAP doesn't update metadata priority when reusing from cache; some tweaks in LRFU policy

  • [HIVE-13361] - Orc concatenation should enforce the compression buffer size

  • [HIVE-13372] - Hive Macro overwritten when multiple macros are used in one column

  • [HIVE-13373] - Use most specific type for numerical constants

  • [HIVE-13378] - LLAP help formatter is too narrow

  • [HIVE-13379] - HIVE-12851 args do not work (slider-keytab-dir, etc.)

  • [HIVE-13381] - Timestamp & date should have precedence in type hierarchy than string group

  • [HIVE-13388] - Fix inconsistent content due to Thrift changes

  • [HIVE-13390] - HiveServer2: Add more test to ZK service discovery using MiniHS2

  • [HIVE-13394] - Analyze table fails in tez on empty partitions/files/tables

  • [HIVE-13395] - Lost Update problem in ACID

  • [HIVE-13396] - LLAP: Include hadoop-metrics2.properties file LlapServiceDriver

  • [HIVE-13401] - Kerberized HS2 with LDAP auth enabled fails kerberos/delegation token authentication

  • [HIVE-13402] - Temporarily disable failing spark tests

  • [HIVE-13405] - Fix Connection Leak in OrcRawRecordMerger

  • [HIVE-13407] - Add more subtlety to TezCompiler Perf Logging

  • [HIVE-13410] - PerfLog metrics scopes not closed if there are exceptions on HS2

  • [HIVE-13415] - Decouple Sessions from thrift binary transport

  • [HIVE-13417] - Some vector operators return "OP" as name

  • [HIVE-13428] - ZK SM in LLAP should have unique paths per cluster

  • [HIVE-13434] - BaseSemanticAnalyzer.unescapeSQLString doesn't unescape u0000 style character literals.

  • [HIVE-13437] - httpserver getPort does not return the actual port when attempting to use a dynamic port

  • [HIVE-13438] - Add a service check script for llap

  • [HIVE-13439] - JDBC: provide a way to retrieve GUID to query Yarn ATS

  • [HIVE-13440] - remove hiveserver1 scripts and thrift generated files

  • [HIVE-13445] - LLAP: token should encode application and cluster ids

  • [HIVE-13446] - LLAP: set default management protocol acls to deny all

  • [HIVE-13447] - LLAP: check ZK acls for registry and fail if they are too permissive

  • [HIVE-13448] - LLAP: check ZK acls for ZKSM and fail if they are too permissive

  • [HIVE-13449] - LLAP: HS2 should get the token directly, rather than from LLAP

  • [HIVE-13458] - Heartbeater doesn't fail query when heartbeat fails

  • [HIVE-13462] - HiveResultSetMetaData.getPrecision() fails for NULL columns

  • [HIVE-13463] - Fix ImportSemanticAnalyzer to allow for different src/dst filesystems

  • [HIVE-13465] - Add ZK settings to MiniLlapCluster clusterSpecificConfiguration

  • [HIVE-13467] - Show llap info on hs2 ui when available

  • [HIVE-13476] - HS2 ShutdownHookManager holds extra of Driver instance in nested compile

  • [HIVE-13480] - Add hadoop2 metrics reporter for Codahale metrics

  • [HIVE-13485] - Session id appended to thread name multiple times.

  • [HIVE-13487] - Finish time is wrong when perflog is missing SUBMIT_TO_RUNNING

  • [HIVE-13488] - Restore dag summary when tez exec print summary enabled and in-place updates disabled

  • [HIVE-13491] - Testing : log thread stacks when metastore fails to start

  • [HIVE-13492] - TestMiniSparkOnYarnCliDriver.testCliDriver_index_bitmap3 is failing on master

  • [HIVE-13493] - Fix TransactionBatchImpl.getCurrentTxnId() and mis logging fixes

  • [HIVE-13494] - LLAP: Some metrics from daemon are not exposed to hadoop-metrics2

  • [HIVE-13498] - cleardanglingscratchdir does not work if scratchdir is not on defaultFs

  • [HIVE-13500] - Launching big queries fails with Out of Memory Exception

  • [HIVE-13502] - Beeline doesnt support session parameters in JDBC URL as documentation states.

  • [HIVE-13510] - Dynamic partitioning doesn’t work when remote metastore is used

  • [HIVE-13512] - Make initializing dag ids in TezWork thread safe for parallel compilation

  • [HIVE-13513] - cleardanglingscratchdir does not work in some version of HDFS

  • [HIVE-13514] - TestClearDanglingScratchDir fail on branch-1

  • [HIVE-13518] - Hive on Tez: Shuffle joins do not choose the right 'big' table.

  • [HIVE-13522] - regexp_extract.q hangs on master

  • [HIVE-13523] - Fix connection leak in ORC RecordReader and refactor for unit testing

  • [HIVE-13525] - HoS hangs when job is empty

  • [HIVE-13527] - Using deprecated APIs in HBase client causes zookeeper connection leaks.

  • [HIVE-13530] - Hive on Spark throws Kryo exception in some cases

  • [HIVE-13533] - Remove AST dump

  • [HIVE-13542] - Missing stats for tables in TPCDS performance regression suite

  • [HIVE-13551] - Make cleardanglingscratchdir work on Windows

  • [HIVE-13552] - Templeton job does not write out log files on InterruptedException

  • [HIVE-13553] - CTE with upperCase alias throws exception

  • [HIVE-13561] - HiveServer2 is leaking ClassLoaders when add jar / temporary functions are used

  • [HIVE-13563] - Hive Streaming does not honor orc.compress.size and orc.stripe.size table properties

  • [HIVE-13568] - Add UDFs to support column-masking

  • [HIVE-13570] - Some queries with Union all fail when CBO is off

  • [HIVE-13572] - Redundant setting full file status in Hive::copyFiles

  • [HIVE-13585] - Add counter metric for direct sql failures

  • [HIVE-13588] - NPE is thrown from MapredLocalTask.executeInChildVM

  • [HIVE-13592] - metastore calls map is not thread safe

  • [HIVE-13596] - HS2 should be able to get UDFs on demand from metastore

  • [HIVE-13597] - revert HIVE-12892

  • [HIVE-13598] - Describe extended table should show the primary keys/foreign keys associated with the table

  • [HIVE-13599] - LLAP: Incorrect handling of the preemption queue on finishable state updates

  • [HIVE-13602] - TPCH q16 return wrong result when CBO is on

  • [HIVE-13608] - We should provide better error message while constraints with duplicate names are created

  • [HIVE-13609] - Fix UDTFs to allow local fetch task to fetch rows forwarded by GenericUDTF.close()

  • [HIVE-13618] - Trailing spaces in partition column will be treated differently

  • [HIVE-13619] - Bucket map join plan is incorrect

  • [HIVE-13621] - compute stats in certain cases fails with NPE

  • [HIVE-13622] - WriteSet tracking optimizations

  • [HIVE-13628] - Support for permanent functions - error handling if no restart

  • [HIVE-13632] - Hive failing on insert empty array into parquet table

  • [HIVE-13642] - Update GUESS_FIELDS option in .reviewboardrc to support current version of RBTools.

  • [HIVE-13645] - Beeline needs null-guard around hiveVars and hiveConfVars read

  • [HIVE-13646] - make hive.optimize.sort.dynamic.partition compatible with ACID tables

  • [HIVE-13653] - improve config error messages for LLAP cache size/etc

  • [HIVE-13656] - need to set direct memory limit higher in LlapServiceDriver for certain edge case configurations

  • [HIVE-13657] - Spark driver stderr logs should appear in hive client logs

  • [HIVE-13659] - An empty where condition leads to vectorization exceptions instead of throwing a compile time error

  • [HIVE-13660] - Vectorizing IN expression with list of columns throws java.lang.ClassCastException ExprNodeColumnDesc cannot be cast to ExprNodeConstantDesc

  • [HIVE-13669] - LLAP: io.enabled config is ignored on the server side

  • [HIVE-13671] - Add PerfLogger to log4j2.properties logger

  • [HIVE-13676] - Tests failing because metastore doesn't come up

  • [HIVE-13682] - EOFException with fast hashtable

  • [HIVE-13683] - Remove erroneously included patch file

  • [HIVE-13686] - TestRecordReaderImpl is deleting target/tmp causing all the tests after it to fail

  • [HIVE-13691] - No record with CQ_ID=0 found in COMPACTION_QUEUE

  • [HIVE-13693] - Multi-insert query drops Filter before file output when there is a.val <> b.val

  • [HIVE-13699] - Make JavaDataModel#get thread safe for parallel compilation

  • [HIVE-13700] - TestHiveOperationType is failing on master

  • [HIVE-13701] - LLAP: Use different prefix for llap task scheduler metrics

  • [HIVE-13705] - Insert into table removes existing data

  • [HIVE-13710] - LLAP registry ACL check causes error due to namespacing

  • [HIVE-13712] - LLAP: LlapServiceDriver should package hadoop-metrics2-llapdaemon.properties when available

  • [HIVE-13719] - TestConverters fails on master

  • [HIVE-13720] - TestLlapTaskCommunicator fails on master

  • [HIVE-13728] - TestHBaseSchemaTool fails on master

  • [HIVE-13729] - FileSystem$Cache leaks in FileUtils.checkFileAccessWithImpersonation

  • [HIVE-13730] - Avoid double spilling the same partition when memory threshold is set very low

  • [HIVE-13743] - Data move codepath is broken with hive (2.1.0-SNAPSHOT)

  • [HIVE-13751] - LlapOutputFormatService should have a configurable send buffer size

  • [HIVE-13753] - Make metastore client thread safe in DbTxnManager

  • [HIVE-13767] - Wrong type inferred in Semijoin condition leads to AssertionError

  • [HIVE-13784] - Hive Metastore start failed on Oracle DB

  • [HIVE-13787] - LLAP: bug in recent security patches (wrong argument order; using full user name in id)

  • [HIVE-13809] - Hybrid Grace Hash Join memory usage estimation didn't take into account the bloom filter size

  • [HIVE-13810] - insert overwrite select from some table fails throwing org.apache.hadoop.security.AccessControlException

  • [HIVE-13818] - Fast Vector MapJoin Long hashtable has to handle all integral types

  • [HIVE-13821] - OrcSplit groups all delta files together into a single split

  • [HIVE-13823] - Remove unnecessary log line in common join operator

  • [HIVE-13826] - Make VectorUDFAdaptor work for GenericUDFBetween when used as FILTER

  • [HIVE-13831] - Error pushing predicates to HBase storage handler

  • [HIVE-13832] - Add missing license header to files

  • [HIVE-13833] - Add an initial delay when starting the heartbeat

  • [HIVE-13837] - current_timestamp() output format is different in some cases

  • [HIVE-13840] - Orc split generation is reading file footers twice

  • [HIVE-13841] - Orc split generation returns different strategies with cache enabled vs disabled

  • [HIVE-13844] - Invalid index handler in org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.index.HiveIndex class

  • [HIVE-13845] - Delete beeline/pom.xml.orig

  • [HIVE-13849] - Wrong plan for hive.optimize.sort.dynamic.partition=true

  • [HIVE-13853] - Add X-XSRF-Header filter to HS2 HTTP mode and WebHCat

  • [HIVE-13856] - Fetching transaction batches during ACID streaming against Hive Metastore using Oracle DB fails

  • [HIVE-13857] - insert overwrite select from some table fails throwing org.apache.hadoop.security.AccessControlException - II

  • [HIVE-13858] - LLAP: A preempted task can end up waiting on completeInitialization if some part of the executing code suppressed the interrupt

  • [HIVE-13859] - mask() UDF not retaining day and month field values

  • [HIVE-13861] - Fix up nullability issue that might be created by pull up constants rules

  • [HIVE-13862] - org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.MetaStoreDirectSql.getNumPartitionsViaSqlFilter falls back to ORM 

  • [HIVE-13863] - Improve AnnotateWithStatistics with support for cartesian product

  • [HIVE-13867] - restore HiveAuthorizer interface changes

  • [HIVE-13870] - Decimal vector is not resized correctly

  • [HIVE-13876] - Vectorization: Port HIVE-11544 to LazySimpleDeserializeRead

  • [HIVE-13885] - Hive session close is not resetting thread name

  • [HIVE-13903] - getFunctionInfo is downloading jar on every call

  • [HIVE-13904] - Ignore case when retrieving ColumnInfo from RowResolver

  • [HIVE-13909] - upgrade ACLs in LLAP registry when the cluster is upgraded to secure

  • [HIVE-13911] - load inpath fails throwing org.apache.hadoop.security.AccessControlException

  • [HIVE-13912] - DbTxnManager.commitTxn(): ORA-00918: column ambiguously defined

  • [HIVE-13924] - (Vectorization) Error evaluating ((bool0 and (not bool1)) or (bool1 and (not bool0)))

  • [HIVE-13927] - Adding missing header to Java files

  • [HIVE-13929] - org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.DataOperationType class not found error when a job is submitted by hive

  • [HIVE-13941] - Improve errors returned from SchemaTool

  • [HIVE-13948] - Incorrect timezone handling in Writable results in wrong dates in queries

  • [HIVE-13953] - Issues in HiveLockObject equals method

  • [HIVE-13954] - Parquet logs should go to STDERR

  • [HIVE-13955] - Include service-rpc and llap-ext-client in packaging files

  • [HIVE-13957] - vectorized IN is inconsistent with non-vectorized (at least for decimal in (string))

  • [HIVE-13959] - MoveTask should only release its query associated locks

  • [HIVE-13961] - ACID: Major compaction fails to include the original bucket files if there's no delta directory

  • [HIVE-13972] - Resolve class dependency issue introduced by HIVE-13354

  • [HIVE-13973] - Extend support for other primitive types in windowing expressions

  • [HIVE-14006] - Hive query with UNION ALL fails with ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException

  • [HIVE-14008] - Duplicate line in LLAP SecretManager

  • [HIVE-14010] - parquet-logging.properties from HIVE_CONF_DIR should be used when available

  • [HIVE-14015] - SMB MapJoin failed for Hive on Spark when kerberized

  • [HIVE-14020] - Hive MS restart failed during EU with ORA-00922 error as part of DB schema upgrade


  • [HIVE-4570] - More information to user on GetOperationStatus in Hive Server2 when query is still executing

  • [HIVE-4924] - JDBC: Support query timeout for jdbc

  • [HIVE-5370] - format_number udf should take user specifed format as argument

  • [HIVE-6535] - JDBC: provide an async API to execute query and fetch results

  • [HIVE-10115] - HS2 running on a Kerberized cluster should offer Kerberos(GSSAPI) and Delegation token(DIGEST) when alternate authentication is enabled

  • [HIVE-10249] - ACID: show locks should show who the lock is waiting for

  • [HIVE-10468] - Create scripts to do metastore upgrade tests on jenkins for Oracle DB.

  • [HIVE-10982] - Customizable the value of java.sql.statement.setFetchSize in Hive JDBC Driver

  • [HIVE-11424] - Rule to transform OR clauses into IN clauses in CBO

  • [HIVE-11483] - Add encoding and decoding for query string config

  • [HIVE-11487] - Add getNumPartitionsByFilter api in metastore api

  • [HIVE-11752] - Pre-materializing complex CTE queries

  • [HIVE-11793] - SHOW LOCKS with DbTxnManager ignores filter options

  • [HIVE-11956] - SHOW LOCKS should indicate what acquired the lock

  • [HIVE-12431] - Support timeout for compile lock

  • [HIVE-12439] - CompactionTxnHandler.markCleaned() and TxnHandler.openTxns() misc improvements

  • [HIVE-12467] - Add number of dynamic partitions to error message

  • [HIVE-12481] - Occasionally "Request is a replay" will be thrown from HS2

  • [HIVE-12515] - Clean the SparkCounters related code after remove counter based stats collection[Spark Branch]

  • [HIVE-12541] - SymbolicTextInputFormat should supports the path with regex

  • [HIVE-12545] - Add sessionId and queryId logging support for methods like getCatalogs in HiveSessionImpl class

  • [HIVE-12595] - [REFACTOR] Make physical compiler more type safe

  • [HIVE-12611] - Make sure spark.yarn.queue is effective and takes the value from mapreduce.job.queuename if given [Spark Branch]

  • [HIVE-12637] - make retryable SQLExceptions in TxnHandler configurable

  • [HIVE-12653] - The property "serialization.encoding" in the class "org.apache.hadoop.hive.contrib.serde2.MultiDelimitSerDe" does not work

  • [HIVE-12763] - Use bit vector to track NDV

  • [HIVE-12776] - Add parse utility method for parsing any stand-alone HQL expression

  • [HIVE-12777] - Add capability to restore session in CLIService and SessionManager

  • [HIVE-12787] - Trace improvement - Inconsistent logging upon shutdown-start of the Hive metastore process

  • [HIVE-12811] - Name yarn application name more meaning than just "Hive on Spark"

  • [HIVE-12839] - Upgrade Hive to Calcite 1.6

  • [HIVE-12897] - Improve dynamic partition loading

  • [HIVE-12902] - Refactor TxnHandler to be an interface

  • [HIVE-12907] - Improve dynamic partition loading - II

  • [HIVE-12908] - Improve dynamic partition loading III

  • [HIVE-12935] - LLAP: Replace Yarn registry with Zookeeper registry

  • [HIVE-12942] - Remove Yarn WebApps from LLAP daemon instance

  • [HIVE-12946] - alter table should also add default scheme and authority for the location similar to create table 

  • [HIVE-12950] - get rid of the NullScan emptyFile madness

  • [HIVE-12953] - Update description of hive.ppd.remove.duplicatefilters in HiveConf.java

  • [HIVE-12958] - Make embedded Jetty server more configurable

  • [HIVE-12959] - LLAP: Add task scheduler timeout when no nodes are alive

  • [HIVE-12967] - Change LlapServiceDriver to read a properties file instead of llap-daemon-site

  • [HIVE-12968] - genNotNullFilterForJoinSourcePlan: needs to merge predicates into the multi-AND

  • [HIVE-12970] - Add total open connections in HiveServer2

  • [HIVE-12983] - Provide a builtin function to get Hive version

  • [HIVE-12988] - Improve dynamic partition loading IV

  • [HIVE-13027] - Configuration changes to improve logging performance

  • [HIVE-13033] - SPDO unnecessarily duplicates columns in key & value of mapper output

  • [HIVE-13034] - Add jdeb plugin to build debian

  • [HIVE-13040] - Handle empty bucket creations more efficiently 

  • [HIVE-13044] - Enable TLS encryption to HMS backend database

  • [HIVE-13054] - LLAP: disable permanent fns by default (for now)

  • [HIVE-13058] - Add session and operation_log directory deletion messages

  • [HIVE-13063] - Create UDFs for CHR and REPLACE 

  • [HIVE-13069] - Enable cartesian product merging

  • [HIVE-13102] - CBO: Reduce operations in Calcite do not fold as tight as rule-based folding

  • [HIVE-13106] - STARTUP_MSG and SHUTDOWN_MSG are added to HiveMetaStore

  • [HIVE-13107] - LLAP: Rotate GC logs periodically to prevent full disks

  • [HIVE-13116] - LLAP: allow ignoring the UDF check during compile time

  • [HIVE-13118] - add some logging to LLAP token related paths

  • [HIVE-13120] - propagate doAs when generating ORC splits

  • [HIVE-13122] - LLAP: simple Model/View separation for UI

  • [HIVE-13156] - Allow specifying the name of the queue in which llap will run

  • [HIVE-13179] - Allow custom HiveConf to be passed to Authentication Providers

  • [HIVE-13183] - More logs in operation logs

  • [HIVE-13196] - UDFLike: reduce Regex NFA sizes

  • [HIVE-13204] - Vectorization: Add ChainedCheckerFactory for LIKE 

  • [HIVE-13206] - Create a test-sources.jar when -Psources profile is invoked

  • [HIVE-13222] - Move rc-file-v0.rc used on TestRCFile.java to src/test/resources

  • [HIVE-13226] - Improve tez print summary to print query execution breakdown

  • [HIVE-13248] - Change date_add/date_sub/to_date functions to return Date type rather than String

  • [HIVE-13249] - Hard upper bound on number of open transactions

  • [HIVE-13295] - Improvement to LDAP search queries in HS2 LDAP Authenticator

  • [HIVE-13319] - Propagate external handles in task display

  • [HIVE-13352] - Seems unnecessary for HBase tests to call QTestUtil.tearDown to close zookeeper and others.

  • [HIVE-13354] - Add ability to specify Compaction options per table and per request

  • [HIVE-13363] - Add hive.metastore.token.signature property to HiveConf

  • [HIVE-13364] - Allow llap to work with dynamic ports for rpc, shuffle, ui

  • [HIVE-13365] - Change the MiniLLAPCluster to work with a MiniZKCluster

  • [HIVE-13367] - Extending HPLSQL parser

  • [HIVE-13376] - HoS emits too many logs with application state

  • [HIVE-13398] - LLAP: Simple /status and /peers web services

  • [HIVE-13400] - Following up HIVE-12481, add retry for Zookeeper service discovery

  • [HIVE-13413] - add a llapstatus command line tool

  • [HIVE-13421] - Propagate job progress in operation status

  • [HIVE-13429] - Tool to remove dangling scratch dir

  • [HIVE-13430] - Pass error message to failure hook

  • [HIVE-13436] - Allow the package directory to be specified for the llap setup script

  • [HIVE-13469] - LLAP: Support delayed scheduling for locality

  • [HIVE-13472] - Replace primitive wrapper's valueOf method with parse* method to avoid unnecessary boxing/unboxing

  • [HIVE-13501] - Invoke failure hooks if query fails on exception

  • [HIVE-13509] - HCatalog getSplits should ignore the partition with invalid path

  • [HIVE-13516] - Adding BTEQ .IF, .QUIT, ERRORCODE to HPL/SQL

  • [HIVE-13536] - LLAP: Add metrics for task scheduler

  • [HIVE-13559] - Pass exception to failure hooks

  • [HIVE-13562] - Enable vector bridge for all non-vectorized udfs

  • [HIVE-13616] - Investigate renaming a table without invalidating the column stats

  • [HIVE-13629] - Expose Merge-File task and Column-Truncate task from DDLTask

  • [HIVE-13643] - Various enhancements / fixes to llap cli tools

  • [HIVE-13661] - [Refactor] Move common FS operations out of shim layer

  • [HIVE-13666] - LLAP Provide the log url for a task attempt to display on the UI

  • [HIVE-13670] - Improve Beeline connect/reconnect semantics

  • [HIVE-13679] - Pass diagnostic message to failure hooks

  • [HIVE-13681] - Update README with latest Hive functionality

  • [HIVE-13716] - Improve dynamic partition loading V

  • [HIVE-13726] - Improve dynamic partition loading VI

  • [HIVE-13750] - Avoid additional shuffle stage created by Sorted Dynamic Partition Optimizer when possible

  • [HIVE-13783] - Display a secondary prompt on beeline for multi-line statements

  • [HIVE-13789] - Repeatedly checking configuration in TextRecordWriter/Reader hurts performance

  • [HIVE-13799] - Optimize TableScanRule::checkBucketedTable

  • [HIVE-13902] - [Refactor] Minimize metastore jar dependencies on task nodes

  • [HIVE-13933] - Add an option to turn off parallel file moves

New Feature

  • [HIVE-12270] - Add DBTokenStore support to HS2 delegation token

  • [HIVE-12634] - Add command to kill an ACID transaction

  • [HIVE-12730] - MetadataUpdater: provide a mechanism to edit the basic statistics of a table (or a partition)

  • [HIVE-12878] - Support Vectorization for TEXTFILE and other formats

  • [HIVE-12994] - Implement support for NULLS FIRST/NULLS LAST

  • [HIVE-13029] - NVDIMM support for LLAP Cache

  • [HIVE-13095] - Support view column authorization

  • [HIVE-13125] - Support masking and filtering of rows/columns

  • [HIVE-13307] - LLAP: Slider package should contain permanent functions

  • [HIVE-13418] - HiveServer2 HTTP mode should support X-Forwarded-Host header for authorization/audits

  • [HIVE-13475] - Allow aggregate functions in over clause

  • [HIVE-13736] - View's input/output formats are TEXT by default


  • [HIVE-12205] - Spark: unify spark statististics aggregation between local and remote spark client

  • [HIVE-12796] - Switch to 32-bits containers for HMS upgrade tests

  • [HIVE-12828] - Update Spark version to 1.6

  • [HIVE-12836] - Install wget & curl packages on LXC containers for HMS upgrade tests

  • [HIVE-12940] - Cherry pick spark branch to master

  • [HIVE-12987] - Add metrics for HS2 active users and SQL operations

  • [HIVE-13097] - [Umbrella] Changes dependent on Tez 0.8.3

  • [HIVE-13188] - Allow users of RetryingThriftClient to close transport

  • [HIVE-13234] - Remove dead ODBC driver from Hive

  • [HIVE-13281] - Update some default configs for LLAP - disable default uber enabled

  • [HIVE-13385] - [Cleanup] Streamline Beeline instantiation

  • [HIVE-13393] - Beeline: Print help message for the --incremental option

  • [HIVE-13431] - Improvements to LLAPTaskReporter

  • [HIVE-13433] - Fixes for additional incompatible changes in tez-0.8.3

  • [HIVE-13537] - Update slf4j version to 1.7.10

  • [HIVE-13603] - Fix ptest unit tests broken by HIVE13505

  • [HIVE-13800] - Disable auth enabled by default on LLAP UI for secure clusters

  • [HIVE-13835] - TestMiniTezCliDriver.vector_complex_all.q needs golden file update


  • [HIVE-9147] - Add unit test for HIVE-7323

  • [HIVE-11615] - Create test for max thrift message setting

  • [HIVE-11887] - some tests break the build on a shared machine, can break HiveQA

  • [HIVE-12079] - Add units tests for HiveServer2 LDAP filters added in HIVE-7193

  • [HIVE-12279] - Testcase to verify session temporary files are removed after HIVE-11768

  • [HIVE-12600] - Make index tests more robust

  • [HIVE-12621] - PTest Backup additional Tez/Spark logs

  • [HIVE-12628] - Eliminate flakiness in TestMetrics

  • [HIVE-12715] - Unit test for HIVE-10685 fix

  • [HIVE-12956] - run CBO in tests with mapred.mode=strict

  • [HIVE-13055] - Add unit tests for HIVE-11512

  • [HIVE-13268] - Add a HA mini cluster type in MiniHS2

  • [HIVE-13371] - Fix test failure of testHasNull in TestColumnStatistics running on Windows

  • [HIVE-13591] - TestSchemaTool is failing on master

  • [HIVE-13615] - nomore_ambiguous_table_col.q is failing on master

历史版本 :
Apache Hive 2.3.1 发布,数据仓库平台
Apache Hive 2.3.0 发布,数据仓库平台
Apache Hive 2.1.1 发布,数据仓库平台
Apache Hive 2.1.0 发布,数据仓库平台
Apache Hive 2.0.1 发布,数据仓库平台
Apache Hive 2.0.0 发布,数据仓库平台
Apache Archives2.4.16 发布
Apache Hive 1.2.1 发布,数据库仓库平台
Apache Hive 1.0.1/1.1.1 发布,数据仓库平台
Apache Hive 1.2.0 发布,数据仓库平台
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