发布于 2015-12-24 03:56:24 | 339 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
JBossWS Web Service框架
JBossWS实现了一个新的符合JAX-RPC1.1标准的SOAP stack,可用于替代先前的WS4EE和JBoss.NET。它能够更好的与整个JBoss架构体系相集成。
JBossWS 5.1.1/5.1.2 发布。5.1.1更新如下:
Bug * [JBWS-3945] - Set property that causes 400 error message to be returned by apache CXF. * [JBWS-3946] - WS-I BSP test failures about R3217 & R3223 * [JBWS-3951] - jbossws-common-tools - BuildFileTest - same branches in if-then-else * [JBWS-3952] - SOAPClientAuthModule - Unwritten field credential * [JBWS-3955] - JBossWS testsuite failure on Windows - CreateProcess error=206, The filename or extension is too long * [JBWS-3956] - Random webservice deployment failure on windows * [JBWS-3959] - schema import failure - JBWS022092: Could not resolve vfs%3A/content... 提升 * [JBWS-3943] - Clean up test util classes in wsi-bp-tests * [JBWS-3960] - Clearly show the integrated Apache CXF version in containers log 特性请求 * [JBWS-3586] - Message log browser functionality * [JBWS-3947] - Add performance tests to the build * [JBWS-3949] - Migrate jbossws-hudson from Hudson to Jenkins * [JBWS-3954] - Upgrade to Apache CXF 3.1.4 * [JBWS-3961] - Add WildFly 9.0.2.Final support, remove WildFly 8.2.1.Final support Task * [JBWS-3938] - Upgrade to Apache CXF 3.1.3 * [JBWS-3962] - Upgrade jaxws-codefirst-maven-archetype to JBossWS 5.1 series 勘误表 See: https://issues.jboss.org/browse/JBWS-3963
Bug * [JBWS-3957] - publishWsdlImports writes WSDL-XML files with wrong characterset under Windows 提升 * [JBWS-3966] - Avoid calling BusFactory.setThreadDefaultBus(null) in JBossWSInvoker * [JBWS-3969] - Optimize JBossWSInvoker::invoke 特性请求 * [JBWS-3967] - Upgrade to JAXB 2.2.11-jbossorg-1 勘误表 See: https://issues.jboss.org/browse/JBWS-3963
更多内容请看:release notes
JBoss WS (JBoss Web Services)实现了一个新的符合JAX-RPC1.1标准的SOAP stack,可用于替代先前的WS4EE和JBoss.NET。它能够更好的与整个JBoss架构体系相集成。