发布于 2014-09-06 01:00:39 | 194 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
JBossWS Web Service框架
JBossWS实现了一个新的符合JAX-RPC1.1标准的SOAP stack,可用于替代先前的WS4EE和JBoss.NET。它能够更好的与整个JBoss架构体系相集成。
JBossWS 5.0.0 beta1 发布,现已提供在 Maven repository,更新内容如下:
JBossWS实现了一个新的符合JAX-RPC1.1标准的SOAP stack,可用于替代先前的WS4EE和JBoss.NET。它能够更好的与整个JBoss架构体系相集成。
[JBWS-3773] - HttpServletRequest in WebServiceContext and requests with WSA ReplyTo prop set
[JBWS-3777] - CXF-5645: wsp:Optional isn't adhered to for WS-RM policy in WSDL
[JBWS-3786] - @Resource injection not working on handlers attached to JAX-WS clients running in-container
[JBWS-3796] - CXFHandlerResolverImpl initializes handlers at each getHandlerChain() invocation
[JBWS-3798] - @WebEndpoint name not considered when building up webservicerefs
[JBWS-3802] - Empty response returned when SOAP Fault is thrown from an endpoint having WS-Security Policy Signature profile
[JBWS-3809] - AbstractDeployment#addEndpoint's check on urlPattern performed on wrong data
[JBWS-3810] - Resolve "WARNING [org.apache.cxf.catalog.OASISCatalogManager]"
[JBWS-3820] - JAXWS 2.1 / 2.0 style clients and WebServiceRef using JAXWS features cause NoSuchMethodException
[JBWS-3821] - WebServiceRef injection not working properly with TCCL and NEW client Bus selection strategies
[JBWS-3782] - Allow to specify config name and additional value for JAVA_OPTS for launched appclient
[JBWS-3795] - Improve and fix org.jboss.ws.api.handler.* classes
[JBWS-3807] - Move wsconsume execution to generate-test-sources phase of the build
[JBWS-3628] - Add property expansion capability to .wsdl files
[JBWS-3630] - Enable CXF Asynch Client HTTP transport
[JBWS-3686] - Upgrade to Apache CXF 3.0.0
[JBWS-3733] - Allow enabling/disabling endpoint metrics
[JBWS-3750] - Add ability to rewrite path in WSDL URL references
[JBWS-3785] - Add option for forcing https protocol when rewriting soap:addres in WSDL
[JBWS-3811] - Upgrade to Apache CXF 3.0.1
[JBWS-3815] - Add mechanism for setting system properties while running JBossWS tests
[JBWS-3822] - Default to TCCL bus selection strategy for clients running in-container
[JBWS-3711] - Refactor exising tests to use ShrinkWrap
[JBWS-3779] - Final cleanup of JAX-RPC
[JBWS-3780] - Drop JBoss AS 7.2.x integration
[JBWS-3784] - Remove appclient-ws.xml
[JBWS-3788] - Add catalog testcase
[JBWS-3790] - Add maven profile for disabling UDP tests
[JBWS-3791] - Make jbossws-cxf-test-utils a top level module
[JBWS-3793] - Final refactoring of jbossws-spi metadata
[JBWS-3794] - Create WildFly 8.1 ASIL
[JBWS-3799] - Upgrade to JAXB 2.2.7
[JBWS-3800] - Review the required elements under webservice subystem
[JBWS-3804] - Remove some DeploymentAspect which is not needed