发布于 2015-09-03 00:32:57 | 152 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递


JBossWS Web Service框架

JBossWS实现了一个新的符合JAX-RPC1.1标准的SOAP stack,可用于替代先前的WS4EE和JBoss.NET。它能够更好的与整个JBoss架构体系相集成。

JBossWS 5.1.0 final 发布,更新内容如下:

Bug 修复

    * [JBWS-3870] - Imported schemas in weird places in deployments causes issues
    * [JBWS-3919] - Client-side message context value HTTP_REQUEST_HEADERS is not shared between SOAP handlers
    * [JBWS-3937] - Build and test failures with IBM JDK 8 (20150711_01 based on Oracle jdk8u51-b15)
    * [JBWS-3941] - Failure on writing wsdl to disk
    * [JBWS-3812] - Incorrect value for ws-security.ut.validator
    * [JBWS-3873] - Web Services can't inherit a JDK8 default method
    * [JBWS-3910] - Maven archetype jaxws-codefirst has problems on JDK8
    * [JBWS-3911] - Validate value of wsdl-path-rewrite-rule when setting it
    * [JBWS-3914] - Arquillian is unable to start server during testsuite when running with 32-bit JDK
    * [JBWS-3922] - Do not copy org.jboss.wsf.spi.deployment.Endpoint properties into CXF EndpointImpl
    * [JBWS-3926] - EndorseTestCase#testClientSide() is not run
    * [JBWS-3928] - jbws-testsuite-jms.groovy script breaks build with WFLY 10
    * [JBWS-3933] - Exclude of jcl-over-slf4j for org.apache.cxf:cxf-rt-transports-http-hc is needed


    * [JBWS-3940] - Update and migrate wsi bp tests suite with arquillian and new test utilities
    * [JBWS-3916] - Remove the workaround for JBWS-3843
    * [JBWS-3920] - Default to using original thread for processing one-way messages
    * [JBWS-3921] - Get rid of unrequired MessagePropertySettingInterceptor


    * [JBWS-3865] - Add ability to consume jboss-webservices.xml located in META-INF of EAR archive
    * [JBWS-3883] - Upgrade to Apache CXF 3.0.5
    * [JBWS-3931] - Upgrade to Apache CXF 3.1.2


    * [JBWS-3942] - Upgrade to Apache CXF 3.1.2-jbossorg-2
    * [JBWS-3885] - Drop Spring integration
    * [JBWS-3907] - Add ws-rm test which configures RMManager/RMStore without spring
    * [JBWS-3908] - Restore automatic errata file generation
    * [JBWS-3913] - Create WildFly 9.0 ASIL
    * [JBWS-3915] - Upgrade to JAXB 2.2.11
    * [JBWS-3923] - Provide option for controlling Surefire console log redirect
    * [JBWS-3924] - Move project sources to GitHub
    * [JBWS-3925] - Update Hudson configuration to consume sources from GitHub
    * [JBWS-3927] - Remove java.endorsed.dirs requirement for properly setup clients
    * [JBWS-3929] - Remove support for JDK 1.7
    * [JBWS-3932] - Use different jandex for processing CXF jars depending on target container
    * [JBWS-3934] - Add WildFly 8.2.1.Final and 9.0.1.Final as supported target containers


JBossWS实现了一个新的符合JAX-RPC1.1标准的SOAP stack,可用于替代先前的WS4EE和JBoss.NET。它能够更好的与整个JBoss架构体系相集成。

历史版本 :
JBossWS 5.2.0.Final 发布,Web 服务框架
JBossWS 5.1.1/5.1.2 发布,Web 服务框架
JBossWS 5.1.0 final 发布,Web 服务框架
JBossWS 5.0.0.Final 发布,JBoss Web 服务堆栈
JBossWS 5 最终版本将很快发布!
JBossWS 5.0.0 beta1 发布,Web 服务框架
JBossWS 4.3.1.Final 发布,Web 服务框架
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