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This document provides a more in-depth explanation of the internals and operation of replica set features. This material is not necessary for normal operation or application development but may be useful for troubleshooting and for further understanding MongoDB’s behavior and approach.

For additional information about the internals of replication replica sets see the following resources in the MongoDB Manual:

Oplog Internals

For an explanation of the oplog, see Oplog.

Under various exceptional situations, updates to a secondary’s oplog might lag behind the desired performance time. See Replication Lag for details.

All members of a replica set send heartbeats (pings) to all other members in the set and can import operations to the local oplog from any other member in the set.

Replica set oplog operations are idempotent. The following operations require idempotency:

  • initial sync
  • post-rollback catch-up
  • sharding chunk migrations

Read Preference Internals

MongoDB uses single-master replication to ensure that the database remains consistent. However, clients may modify the read preferences on a per-connection basis in order to distribute read operations to the secondary members of a replica set. Read-heavy deployments may achieve greater query throughput by distributing reads to secondary members. But keep in mind that replication is asynchronous; therefore, reads from secondaries may not always reflect the latest writes to the primary.




Use db.getReplicationInfo() from a secondary member and the replication status output to asses the current state of replication and determine if there is any unintended replication delay.

Member Configurations

Replica sets can include members with the following four special configurations that affect membership behavior:

  • Secondary-only members have their priority values set to 0 and thus are not eligible for election as primaries.
  • Hidden members do not appear in the output of db.isMaster(). This prevents clients from discovering and potentially querying the member in question.
  • Delayed members lag a fixed period of time behind the primary. These members are typically used for disaster recovery scenarios. For example, if an administrator mistakenly truncates a collection, and you discover the mistake within the lag window, then you can manually fail over to the delayed member.
  • Arbiters exist solely to participate in elections. They do not replicate data from the primary.

In almost every case, replica sets simplify the process of administering database replication. However, replica sets still have a unique set of administrative requirements and concerns. Choosing the right system architecture for your data set is crucial.


The Member Configurations topic in the 副本集的操作和管理 document.

Security Internals

Administrators of replica sets also have unique monitoring and security concerns. The replica set functions in the mongo shell, provide the tools necessary for replica set administration. In particular use the rs.conf() to return a document that holds the replica set configuration and use rs.reconfig() to modify the configuration of an existing replica set.

Election Internals

Elections are the process replica set members use to select which member should become primary. A primary is the only member in the replica set that can accept write operations, including insert(), update(), and remove().

The following events can trigger an election:

  • You initialize a replica set for the first time.
  • A primary steps down. A primary will step down in response to the replSetStepDown command or if it sees that one of the current secondaries is eligible for election and has a higher priority. A primary also will step down when it cannot contact a majority of the members of the replica set. When the current primary steps down, it closes all open client connections to prevent clients from unknowingly writing data to a non-primary member.
  • A secondary member loses contact with a primary. A secondary will call for an election if it cannot establish a connection to a primary.
  • A failover occurs.

In an election, all members have one vote, including hidden members, arbiters, and even recovering members. Any mongod can veto an election.

In the default configuration, all members have an equal chance of becoming primary; however, it’s possible to set priority values that weight the election. In some architectures, there may be operational reasons for increasing the likelihood of a specific replica set member becoming primary. For instance, a member located in a remote data center should not become primary. See: Member Priority for more information.

Any member of a replica set can veto an election, even if the member is a non-voting member.

A member of the set will veto an election under the following conditions:

  • If the member seeking an election is not a member of the voter’s set.
  • If the member seeking an election is not up-to-date with the most recent operation accessible in the replica set.
  • If the member seeking an election has a lower priority than another member in the set that is also eligible for election.
  • If a secondary only member [1] is the most current member at the time of the election, another eligible member of the set will catch up to the state of this secondary member and then attempt to become primary.
  • If the current primary member has more recent operations (i.e. a higher “optime”) than the member seeking election, from the perspective of the voting member.
  • The current primary will veto an election if it has the same or more recent operations (i.e. a “higher or equal optime”) than the member seeking election.

The first member to receive votes from a majority of members in a set becomes the next primary until the next election. Be aware of the following conditions and possible situations:

  • Replica set members send heartbeats (pings) to each other every 2 seconds. If a heartbeat does not return for more than 10 seconds, the other members mark the delinquent member as inaccessible.
  • Replica set members compare priorities only with other members of the set. The absolute value of priorities does not have any impact on the outcome of replica set elections, with the exception of the value 0, which indicates the member cannot become primary and cannot seek election. For details, see Adjusting Priority.
  • A replica set member cannot become primary unless it has the highest “optime” of any visible member in the set.
  • If the member of the set with the highest priority is within 10 seconds of the latest oplog entry, then the set will not elect a primary until the member with the highest priority catches up to the latest operation.


Non-voting members in a replica set, Adjusting Priority, and replica configuration.

[1]Remember that hidden and delayed imply secondary-only configuration.


In order to remain up-to-date with the current state of the replica set, set members sync, or copy, oplog entries from other members. Members sync data at two different points:

  • Initial sync occurs when MongoDB creates new databases on a new or restored member, populating the member with the replica set’s data. When a new or restored member joins or rejoins a set, the member waits to receive heartbeats from other members. By default, the member syncs from the the closest member of the set that is either the primary or another secondary with more recent oplog entries. This prevents two secondaries from syncing from each other.
  • Replication occurs continually after initial sync and keeps the member updated with changes to the replica set’s data.

In MongoDB 2.0, secondaries only change sync targets if the connection to the sync target drops or produces an error.

For example:

  1. If you have two secondary members in one data center and a primary in a second facility, and if you start all three instances at roughly the same time (i.e. with no existing data sets or oplog), both secondaries will likely sync from the primary, as neither secondary has more recent oplog entries.

    If you restart one of the secondaries, then when it rejoins the set it will likely begin syncing from the other secondary, because of proximity.

  2. If you have a primary in one facility and a secondary in an alternate facility, and if you add another secondary to the alternate facility, the new secondary will likely sync from the existing secondary because it is closer than the primary.

In MongoDB 2.2, secondaries also use the following additional sync behaviors:

  • Secondaries will sync from delayed members only if no other member is available.
  • Secondaries will not sync from hidden members.
  • Secondaries will not start syncing from a member in a recovering state.
  • For one member to sync from another, both members must have the same value, either true or false, for the members[n].buildIndexes field.

Multithreaded Replication

MongoDB applies write operations in batches using a multithreaded approach. The replication process divides each batch among a group of threads which apply many operations with greater concurrency.

Even though threads may apply operations out of order, a client reading data from a secondary will never return documents that reflect an in-between state that never existed on the primary. To ensure this consistency, MongoDB blocks all read operations while applying the batch of operations.

To help improve the performance of operation application, MongoDB fetches all the memory pages that hold data and indexes that the operations in the batch will affect. The prefetch stage minimizes the amount of time MongoDB must hold the write lock to apply operations. See the replIndexPrefetch setting to modify the index fetching behavior.

Pre-Fetching Indexes to Improve Replication Throughput

By default, secondaries will in most cases pre-fetch 索引 associated with the affected document to improve replication throughput.

You can limit this feature to pre-fetch only the index on the _id field, or you can disable this feature entirely. For more information, see replIndexPrefetch.

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