发布于 2015-09-14 14:44:10 | 325 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网络整理

Sharding distributes a single logical database system across a cluster of machines. Sharding uses range-based portioning to distribute documents based on a specific shard key.

For a general introduction to sharding, cluster operations, and relevant implications and administration see: FAQ: 分片.


The documents in this section introduce sharded clusters, their operation, functioning, and use. If you are unfamiliar with data partitioning, or MongoDB’s sharding implementation begin with these documents:


The documents listed in this section address common sharded cluster operational practices in greater detail.


The following documents describe processes that application developers may find useful when developing applications that use data stored in a MongoDB sharded cluster. For some cases you will also want to consider the documentation of 数据中心意识.


Consider the following reference material relevant to sharded cluster use and administration.

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