发布于 2015-09-14 14:52:30 | 189 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网络整理
This page describes various operations on chunks in sharded clusters. MongoDB automates most chunk management operations. However, these chunk management operations are accessible to administrators for use in some situations, typically surrounding initial setup, deployment, and data ingestion.
Normally, MongoDB splits a chunk following inserts when a chunk exceeds the chunk size. The balancer may migrate recently split chunks to a new shard immediately if mongos predicts future insertions will benefit from the move.
MongoDB treats all chunks the same, whether split manually or automatically by the system.
You cannot merge or combine chunks once you have split them.
You may want to split chunks manually if:
You plan to insert a large amount of data with shard key values between 300 and 400, but all values of your shard keys are between 250 and 500 are in a single chunk.
Be careful when splitting data in a sharded collection to create new chunks. When you shard a collection that has existing data, MongoDB automatically creates chunks to evenly distribute the collection. To effectively split data in a sharded you must consider the number of documents in a chunk and the average document size to create a uniform chunk size. When chunks have irregular sizes, shards may have an equal number of chunks but have very different data sizes. Avoid creating splits that lead to a collection with differently sized chunks.
Use sh.status() to determine the current chunks ranges across the cluster.
To split chunks manually, use the split command with operators: middle and find. The equivalent shell helpers are sh.splitAt() or sh.splitFind().
The following command will split the chunk that contains the value of 63109 for the zipcode field in the people collection of the records database:
sh.splitFind( "records.people", { "zipcode": 63109 } )
sh.splitFind() will split the chunk that contains the first document returned that matches this query into two equally sized chunks. You must specify the full namespace (i.e. “<database>.<collection>”) of the sharded collection to sh.splitFind(). The query in sh.splitFind() need not contain the shard key, though it almost always makes sense to query for the shard key in this case, and including the shard key will expedite the operation.
Use sh.splitAt() to split a chunk in two using the queried document as the partition point:
sh.splitAt( "records.people", { "zipcode": 63109 } )
However, the location of the document that this query finds with respect to the other documents in the chunk does not affect how the chunk splits.
Pre-splitting the chunk ranges in an empty sharded collection, allows clients to insert data into an already-partitioned collection. In most situations a sharded cluster will create and distribute chunks automatically without user intervention. However, in a limited number of use profiles, MongoDB cannot create enough chunks or distribute data fast enough to support required throughput. For example, if:
you must partition an existing data collection that resides on a single shard.
you must ingest a large volume of data into a cluster that isn’t balanced, or where the ingestion of data will lead to an imbalance of data.
This can arise in an initial data loading, or in a case where you must insert a large volume of data into a single chunk, as is the case when you must insert at the beginning or end of the chunk range, as is the case for monotonically increasing or decreasing shard keys.
Preemptively splitting chunks increases cluster throughput for these operations, by reducing the overhead of migrating chunks that hold data during the write operation. MongoDB only creates splits after an insert operation and can migrate only a single chunk at a time. Chunk migrations are resource intensive and further complicated by large write volume to the migrating chunk.
You can only pre-split an empty collection. When you enable sharding for a collection that contains data MongoDB automatically creates splits. Subsequent attempts to create splits manually, can lead to unpredictable chunk ranges and sizes as well as inefficient or ineffective balancing behavior.
To create and migrate chunks manually, use the following procedure:
Split empty chunks in your collection by manually performing split command on chunks.
To create chunks for documents in the myapp.users collection, using the email field as the shard key, use the following operation in the mongo shell:
for ( var x=97; x<97+26; x++ ){ for( var y=97; y<97+26; y+=6 ) { var prefix = String.fromCharCode(x) + String.fromCharCode(y); db.runCommand( { split : "myapp.users" , middle : { email : prefix } } ); } }
This assumes a collection size of 100 million documents.
Migrate chunks manually using the moveChunk command:
To migrate all of the manually created user profiles evenly, putting each prefix chunk on the next shard from the other, run the following commands in the mongo shell:
var shServer = [ "sh0.example.net", "sh1.example.net", "sh2.example.net", "sh3.example.net", "sh4.example.net" ]; for ( var x=97; x<97+26; x++ ){ for( var y=97; y<97+26; y+=6 ) { var prefix = String.fromCharCode(x) + String.fromCharCode(y); db.adminCommand({moveChunk : "myapp.users", find : {email : prefix}, to : shServer[(y-97)/6]}) } }
You can also let the balancer automatically distribute the new chunks. For an introduction to balancing, see Shard Balancing. For lower level information on balancing, see Cluster Balancer.
When you initialize a sharded cluster, the default chunk size is 64 megabytes. This default chunk size works well for most deployments. However, if you notice that automatic migrations are incurring a level of I/O that your hardware cannot handle, you may want to reduce the chunk size. For the automatic splits and migrations, a small chunk size leads to more rapid and frequent migrations.
To modify the chunk size, use the following procedure:
Issue the following command to switch to the 配置数据库内容:
use config
Issue the following save() operation:
db.settings.save( { _id:"chunksize", value: <size> } )
Where the value of <size> reflects the new chunk size in megabytes. Here, you’re essentially writing a document whose values store the global chunk size configuration value.
The chunkSize and --chunkSize options, passed at runtime to the mongos do not affect the chunk size after you have initialized the cluster.
To eliminate confusion you should always set chunk size using the above procedure and never use the runtime options.
Modifying the chunk size has several limitations:
If you increase the chunk size, existing chunks must grow through insertion or updates until they reach the new size.
In most circumstances, you should let the automatic balancer migrate chunks between shards. However, you may want to migrate chunks manually in a few cases:
For more information on how chunks move between shards, see Cluster Balancer, in particular the section Chunk Migration.
To migrate chunks, use the moveChunk command.
To return a list of shards, use the listShards command.
Specify shard names using the addShard command using the name argument. If you do not specify a name in the addShard command, MongoDB will assign a name automatically.
The following example assumes that the field username is the shard key for a collection named users in the myapp database, and that the value smith exists within the chunk you want to migrate.
To move this chunk, you would issue the following command from a mongo shell connected to any mongos instance.
db.adminCommand({moveChunk : "myapp.users", find : {username : "smith"}, to : "mongodb-shard3.example.net"})
This command moves the chunk that includes the shard key value “smith” to the shard named mongodb-shard3.example.net. The command will block until the migration is complete.
See Create Chunks (Pre-Splitting) for an introduction to pre-splitting.
2.2 新版功能: moveChunk command has the: _secondaryThrottle parameter. When set to true, MongoDB ensures replication to secondaries before allowing new chunk migrations. For more information, see Require Replication before Chunk Migration (Secondary Throttle).
The moveChunk command may produce the following error message:
The collection's metadata lock is already taken.
These errors occur when clients have too many open cursors that access the chunk you are migrating. You can either wait until the cursors complete their operation or close the cursors manually.
Large bulk insert operations, including initial data ingestion or routine data import, can have a significant impact on a sharded cluster. For bulk insert operations, consider the following strategies:
If the collection does not have data, then there is only one chunk, which must reside on a single shard. MongoDB must receive data, create splits, and distribute chunks to the available shards. To avoid this performance cost, you can pre-split the collection, as described in Create Chunks (Pre-Splitting).
You can parallelize import processes by sending insert operations to more than one mongos instance. If the collection is empty, pre-split first, as described in Create Chunks (Pre-Splitting).
If your shard key increases monotonically during an insert then all the inserts will go to the last chunk in the collection, which will always end up on a single shard. Therefore, the insert capacity of the cluster will never exceed the insert capacity of a single shard.
If your insert volume is never larger than what a single shard can process, then there is no problem; however, if the insert volume exceeds that range, and you cannot avoid a monotonically increasing shard key, then consider the following modifications to your application:
The following example, in C++, swaps the leading and trailing 16-bit word of BSON ObjectIds generated so that they are no longer monotonically increasing.
using namespace mongo;
OID make_an_id() {
OID x = OID::gen();
const unsigned char *p = x.getData();
swap( (unsigned short&) p[0], (unsigned short&) p[10] );
return x;
void foo() {
// create an object
BSONObj o = BSON( "_id" << make_an_id() << "x" << 3 << "name" << "jane" );
// now we might insert o into a sharded collection...
For information on choosing a shard key, see Shard Key Selection and see Shard Key Internals (in particular, Operations and Reliability and Choosing a Shard Key).
For bulk inserts on sharded clusters, the getLastError command alone is insufficient to verify success. Applications should must verify the success of bulk inserts in application logic.