发布于 2015-09-14 14:40:33 | 269 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网络整理
Call cursor methods on cursors to modify how MongoDB returns objects to the cursor.
These methods operate on collection objects. Also consider the “查询和更新方法” and “游标的方法” documentation for additional methods that you may use with collection objects.
Call these methods on a collection object in the shell (i.e. db.collection.[method](), where collection is the name of the collection) to produce the documented behavior.
The “片式集群概述” page for more information on the sharding technology and using MongoDB’s sharded clusters.
These methods provide a number of low level and internal functions that may be useful in the context of some advanced operations in the shell. The JavaScript standard library is accessible in the mongo shell.
These methods are accessible in the shell but exist to support other functionality in the environment. Do not call these methods directly.