发布于 2015-09-14 14:52:51 | 86 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网络整理
参数: |
- namespace (string) – The name of a database or collection within the
current database.
返回: | A document with fields detailing the most recent migration
in the specified namespace.
sh._lastMigration() returns a document with details about
the last migration performed on the database or collection you specify.
Document details:
Fields: |
- _id (string) – The id of the migration task
- server (string) – The name of the server
- clientAddr (string) – The IP address and port number of the server.
- time (ISODate) – The time of the last migration.
- what (string) – The specific type of migration.
- ns (string) – The complete namespace of the collection affected
by the migration.
- details (document) – A document containing details about the
migrated chunk. Includes min and max
sub-documents with the bounds of the migrated