发布于 2015-09-14 14:56:13 | 173 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网络整理
This reference provides an overview of all possible replica set configuration options and settings.
Use rs.conf() in the mongo shell to retrieve this configuration. Note that default values are not explicitly displayed.
Type: string
Value: <setname>
An _id field holding the name of the replica set. This reflects the set name configured with replSet or mongod --replSet.
Type: array
Contains an array holding an embedded document for each member of the replica set. The members document contains a number of fields that describe the configuration of each member of the replica set.
The members field in the replica set configuration document is a zero-indexed array.
Type: ordinal
Provides the zero-indexed identifier of every member in the replica set.
Type: <hostname>:<port>
Identifies the host name of the set member with a hostname and port number. This name must be resolvable for every host in the replica set.
host cannot hold a value that resolves to localhost or the local interface unless all members of the set are on hosts that resolve to localhost.
Type: boolean
Default: false
Identifies an arbiter. For arbiters, this value is true, and is automatically configured by rs.addArb()”.
Type: boolean
Default: true
Determines whether the mongod builds indexes on this member. Do not set to false if a replica set can become a master, or if any clients ever issue queries against this instance.
Omitting index creation, and thus this setting, may be useful, if:
If set to false, secondaries configured with this option do build indexes on the _id field, to facilitate operations required for replication.
You may only set this value when adding a member to a replica set. You may not reconfigure a replica set to change the value of the buildIndexes field after adding the member to the set.
Other secondaries cannot replicate from a members where buildIndexes is false.
Type: boolean
Default: false
When this value is true, the replica set hides this instance, and does not include the member in the output of db.isMaster() or isMaster. This prevents read operations (i.e. queries) from ever reaching this host by way of secondary read preference.
Type: Number, between 0 and 100.0 including decimals.
Default: 1
Specify higher values to make a member more eligible to become primary, and lower values to make the member less eligible to become primary. Priorities are only used in comparison to each other, members of the set will veto elections from members when another eligible member has a higher absolute priority value. Changing the balance of priority in a replica set will cause an election.
A priority of 0 makes it impossible for a member to become primary.
Type: MongoDB Document
Default: none
Used to represent arbitrary values for describing or tagging members for the purposes of extending write concern to allow configurable data center awareness.
Use in conjunction with getLastErrorModes and getLastErrorDefaults and db.getLastError() (i.e. getLastError.)
Type: Integer. (seconds.)
Default: 0
Describes the number of seconds “behind” the master that this replica set member should “lag.” Use this option to create delayed members, that maintain a copy of the data that reflects the state of the data set some amount of time (specified in seconds.) Typically these members help protect against human error, and provide some measure of insurance against the unforeseen consequences of changes and updates.
Type: Integer
Default: 1
Controls the number of votes a server has in a replica set election. The number of votes each member has can be any non-negative integer, but it is highly recommended each member has 1 or 0 votes.
If you need more than 7 members, use this setting to add additional non-voting members with a votes value of 0.
For most deployments and most members, use the default value, 1, for votes.
Type: MongoDB Document
The settings document configures options that apply to the whole replica set.
Type: boolean
Default: true
2.2.2 新版功能.
When chainingAllowed is true, the replica set allows secondary members to replicate from other secondary members. When chainingAllowed is false, secondaries can replicate only from the primary.
When you run rs.config() to view a replica set’s configuration, the chainingAllowed field appears only when set to false. If not set, chainingAllowed is true.
Type: MongoDB Document
Specify arguments to the getLastError that members of this replica set will use when no arguments to getLastError has no arguments. If you specify any arguments, getLastError , ignores these defaults.
Type: MongoDB Document
Defines the names and combination of members[n] for use by the application layer to guarantee write concern to database using the getLastError command to provide data-center awareness.
The following document provides a representation of a replica set configuration document. Angle brackets (e.g. < and >) enclose all optional fields.
_id : <setname>,
version: <int>,
members: [
_id : <ordinal>,
host : hostname<:port>,
<arbiterOnly : <boolean>,>
<buildIndexes : <boolean>,>
<hidden : <boolean>,>
<priority: <priority>,>
<tags: { <document> },>
<slaveDelay : <number>,>
<votes : <number>>
, ...
<settings: {
<getLastErrorDefaults : <lasterrdefaults>,>
<chainingAllowed : <boolean>,>
<getLastErrorModes : <modes>>
Most modifications of replica set configuration use the mongo shell. Consider the following reconfiguration operation:
Given the following replica set configuration:
"_id" : "rs0",
"version" : 1,
"members" : [
"_id" : 0,
"host" : "mongodb0.example.net:27017"
"_id" : 1,
"host" : "mongodb1.example.net:27017"
"_id" : 2,
"host" : "mongodb2.example.net:27017"
And the following reconfiguration operation:
cfg = rs.conf()
cfg.members[0].priority = 0.5
cfg.members[1].priority = 2
cfg.members[2].priority = 2
This operation begins by saving the current replica set configuration to the local variable cfg using the rs.conf() method. Then it adds priority values to the cfg document where for the first three sub-documents in the members array. Finally, it calls the rs.reconfig() method with the argument of cfg to initialize this new configuration. The replica set configuration after this operation will resemble the following:
"_id" : "rs0",
"version" : 1,
"members" : [
"_id" : 0,
"host" : "mongodb0.example.net:27017",
"priority" : 0.5
"_id" : 1,
"host" : "mongodb1.example.net:27017",
"priority" : 2
"_id" : 2,
"host" : "mongodb2.example.net:27017",
"priority" : 1
Using the “dot notation” demonstrated in the above example, you can modify any existing setting or specify any of optional replica set configuration variables. Until you run rs.reconfig(cfg) at the shell, no changes will take effect. You can issue cfg = rs.conf() at any time before using rs.reconfig() to undo your changes and start from the current configuration. If you issue cfg as an operation at any point, the mongo shell at any point will output the complete document with modifications for your review.
The rs.reconfig() operation has a “force” option, to make it possible to reconfigure a replica set if a majority of the replica set is not visible, and there is no primary member of the set. use the following form:
rs.reconfig(cfg, { force: true } )
Forcing a rs.reconfig() can lead to rollback situations and other difficult to recover from situations. Exercise caution when using this option.
The rs.reconfig() shell method can force the current primary to step down and causes an election in some situations. When the primary steps down, all clients will disconnect. This is by design. While this typically takes 10-20 seconds, attempt to make these changes during scheduled maintenance periods.
Tag sets provide custom and configurable write concern and read preferences for a replica set. This section outlines the process for specifying tags for a replica set, for more information see the full documentation of the behavior of tags sets for write concern and tag sets for read preference.
Custom read preferences and write concerns evaluate tags sets in different ways.
Read preferences consider the value of a tag when selecting a member to read from.
Write concerns do not utilize the value of a tag to select a member except to consider whether or not the value is unique.
Configure tag sets by adding fields and values to the document stored in the tags. Consider the following examples:
Given the following replica set configuration:
"_id" : "rs0",
"version" : 1,
"members" : [
"_id" : 0,
"host" : "mongodb0.example.net:27017"
"_id" : 1,
"host" : "mongodb1.example.net:27017"
"_id" : 2,
"host" : "mongodb2.example.net:27017"
You could add the tag sets, to the members of this replica set, with the following command sequence in the mongo shell:
conf = rs.conf()
conf.members[0].tags = { "dc": "east", "use": "production" }
conf.members[1].tags = { "dc": "east", "use": "reporting" }
conf.members[2].tags = { "use": "production" }
After this operation the output of rs.conf(), would resemble the following:
"_id" : "rs0",
"version" : 2,
"members" : [
"_id" : 0,
"host" : "mongodb0.example.net:27017",
"tags" : {
"dc": "east",
"use": "production"
"_id" : 1,
"host" : "mongodb1.example.net:27017",
"tags" : {
"dc": "east",
"use": "reporting"
"_id" : 2,
"host" : "mongodb2.example.net:27017",
"tags" : {
"use": "production"
Given a five member replica set with members in two data centers:
Create a custom write concern to require confirmation from two data centers using replica set tags, using the following sequence of operations in the mongo shell:
Create the replica set configuration object conf:
conf = rs.conf()
Add tags to the replica set members reflecting their locations:
conf.members[0].tags = { "dc.va": "rack1"}
conf.members[1].tags = { "dc.va": "rack2"}
conf.members[2].tags = { "dc.gto": "rack1"}
conf.members[3].tags = { "dc.gto": "rack2"}
conf.members[4].tags = { "dc.va": "rack1"}
Create a custom getLastErrorModes setting to ensure that the write operation will propagate to at least one member of each facility:
conf.settings = { getLastErrorModes: { MultipleDC : { "dc.va": 1, "dc.gto": 1}}
Reconfigure the replica set using the new conf configuration object:
To ensure that a write operation propagators to at least one member of the set in both facilities, then use the MultipleDC write concern mode, as follows:
db.runCommand( { getLastError: 1, w: "MultipleDC" } )
Alternatively, if you want to ensure that each write operation propagates to at least 2 racks in each facility, reconfigure the replica set as follows in the mongo shell:
Create the replica set configuration object conf:
conf = rs.conf()
Redefine the getLastErrorModes value to require two different values of both dc.va and dc.gto:
conf.settings = { getLastErrorModes: { MultipleDC : { "dc.va": 2, "dc.gto": 2}}
Reconfigure the replica set using the new conf configuration object:
Now, the following write concern operation will only return after the write operation propagates to at least two different racks in the each facility:
db.runCommand( { getLastError: 1, w: "MultipleDC" } )
Given a replica set with tag sets that reflect:
Where each member of the set has a tag set that resembles one of the following: [1]
{"dc.va": "rack1", disk:"ssd", ssd: "installed" }
{"dc.va": "rack2", disk:"raid"}
{"dc.gto": "rack1", disk:"ssd", ssd: "installed" }
{"dc.gto": "rack2", disk:"raid"}
{"dc.va": "rack1", disk:"ssd", ssd: "installed" }
To target a read operation to a member of the replica set with an disk type of ssd, you could use the following tag set:
{ disk: "ssd" }
However, to create comparable write concern modes, you would specify a different set of getLastErrorModes configuration. Consider the the following sequence of operations in the mongo shell:
Create the replica set configuration object conf:
conf = rs.conf()
Redefine the getLastErrorModes value to configure two write concern modes:
conf.settings = {
"getLastErrorModes" : {
"ssd" : {
"ssd" : 1
"MultipleDC" : {
"dc.va" : 1,
"dc.gto" : 1
Reconfigure the replica set using the new conf configuration object:
Now, you can specify the MultipleDC write concern mode, as in the following operation, to ensure that a write operation propagates to each data center.
db.runCommand( { getLastError: 1, w: "MultipleDC" } )
Additionally, you can specify the ssd write concern mode, as in the following operation, to ensure that a write operation propagates to at least one instance with an SSD.
[1] | Since read preferences and write concerns use the value of fields in tag sets differently, larger deployments will have some redundancy. |