发布于 2015-09-04 07:01:47 | 210 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网络整理

Versioning and API Stability


Scrapy uses the odd-numbered versions for development releases.

There are 3 numbers in a Scrapy version: A.B.C

  • A is the major version. This will rarely change and will signify very large changes. So far, only zero is available for A as Scrapy hasn’t yet reached 1.0.
  • B is the release number. This will include many changes including features and things that possibly break backwards compatibility. Even Bs will be stable branches, and odd Bs will be development.
  • C is the bugfix release number.

For example:

  • 0.14.1 is the first bugfix release of the 0.14 series (safe to use in production)

API Stability

API stability is one of Scrapy major goals for the 1.0 release, which doesn’t have a due date scheduled yet.

Methods or functions that start with a single dash (_) are private and should never be relied as stable. Besides those, the plan is to stabilize and document the entire API, as we approach the 1.0 release.

Also, keep in mind that stable doesn’t mean complete: stable APIs could grow new methods or functionality but the existing methods should keep working the same way.

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