发布于 2014-10-01 23:33:16 | 205 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
RichFaces Web框架
RichFaces 是一个具有 Ajax 和 JSF 特性 的 Web 框架。JSF 和 Ajax 概念大家一定不陌生,二者结合起来衍生出 A4J(Ajax4JSF)。其目的就是将 Ajax 的功能集成到 JSF 组件中去。
RF-8904 - Update project build to integrate jsDoc
RF-12312 - rich:select - duplicate labels
RF-13290 - Push framework tests fail after upgrade to 1.0.17 (probably Warp issue)
RF-13504 - Test that the ExtendedPartialViewContext writes the ClientWindow ID updates to the partial response
RF-13522 - Component reference - text for links to figures doesn’t contain "Figure" prefix
RF-13788 - ExtendedDataTable supports the undocumented attribute "render"
RF-13812 - rich:validator misunderstands EL expressions inside Bean Validation 1.1
RF-13816 - Include Page Fragments in the RichFaces distribution and javadoc
RF-13818 - JSF server vs application Please upgrade to at least Mojarra 2.1.28 or 2.2.6
RF-13821 - InputNumber* component class changes cause backward compatibility problems
RF-13822 - Mobile showcase: fileupload sample is not working [myfaces]
RF-13823 - showcase: contextMenu: missing picturesUtils.js resource [myfaces]
RF-13826 - Media output: onclick doesn’t work
RF-13827 - Selection mode simple and multiple in ExtendedDataTable throws JS error in Chrome 36
RF-13830 - Tooltip not attached must specify target=""
RF-13838 - ExtendedPartialViewContext.java is missing method setPartialRequest
RF-13840 - a4j:jsFunction - oncomplete is called twice
RF-13843 - rich:fileUpload should use feature detection for File API
RF-13846 - page-fragments: orderingList, pickList: rename method getContentAreaElements to getContentAreaElement
RF-13848 - page-fragments: orderingList: remove duplicated field
RF-13849 - page-fragments: pickList: stackoverflow in orderingList part
RF-13414 - The showcase chart demo of event handling renders seemingly redundant info
RF-13831 - Review page fragments
RF-13832 - Built-in filtering and sorting inside richcollapsibleSubTable
RF-13833 - Doc for r:tree selectionChangeListener attribute is misplaced with toggleListener attribute doc
RF-13847 - page-fragments: pickList: rename methods for returning contentAreaElement
RF-13850 - page-fragments: refactor implementation part of collapsiblePanel, dataGrid, fileUpload, inplaceSelect, orderingList, pickList
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