发布于 2014-09-12 23:29:11 | 240 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
RichFaces Web框架
RichFaces 是一个具有 Ajax 和 JSF 特性 的 Web 框架。JSF 和 Ajax 概念大家一定不陌生,二者结合起来衍生出 A4J(Ajax4JSF)。其目的就是将 Ajax 的功能集成到 JSF 组件中去。
RF-11090 - rich:collapsibleSubTable cannot be nested
RF-11656 - Nested collapsibleSubTable always expanded
RF-12399 - Showcase: rich:contextmenu cannot find image
RF-13081 - Facets "disabled" not working for dataScroller
RF-13645 - contextMenu for extendedDataTable breaks after ajax render of contextMenu
RF-13655 - Popup Panel autosize does not work when its content is dynamically updated
RF-13708 - Photoalbum: refresh over index page throws error
RF-13722 - Document CDK Maven Changes for 4.5
RF-13747 - a4j:commandLink does not have a default event name
RF-13781 - Enable RichFaces to be built with the jdk6
RF-13783 - Placeholder: attribute styleClass doesn’t work inside inplace input and inplace select
RF-13787 - Push with EAP 6.3 not using WebSockets
RF-13790 - Showcase - dataTable Styling example - broken styling after built in sorting/filtering is enabled
RF-13791 - Push in Showcase with EAP 6.2
RF-13794 - FileUpload serverError on upload on Wildfly
RF-13795 - RichFaces build is broken when running integration with release profile
RF-13798 - Showcase: select sample is not working [myfaces]
RF-13803 - Push on Tomcat 8: Unable to load current conversations from the associated request
RF-13804 - rich:select selectFirst attribute not working
RF-13814 - Photoalbum cannot be deployed to EAP
RF-13817 - Both the Component Reference are missing the Revision History appendices
接下来是 CR1 版本的发布,计划在 1-2 周内发布。