发布于 2014-09-01 23:56:54 | 231 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
RichFaces Web框架
RichFaces 是一个具有 Ajax 和 JSF 特性 的 Web 框架。JSF 和 Ajax 概念大家一定不陌生,二者结合起来衍生出 A4J(Ajax4JSF)。其目的就是将 Ajax 的功能集成到 JSF 组件中去。
RichFaces 4.5.0.Beta1 发布,此版本包括大量的库升级,为现有的组件添加了许多新特性。此版本现已提供下载,安装升级请查看相关教程。
RichFaces 是一个具有 Ajax 和 JSF 特性 的 Web 框架。
JSF 和 Ajax 概念大家一定不陌生,二者结合起来衍生出 A4J(Ajax4JSF)。其目的就是将 Ajax 的功能集成到 JSF 组件中去。后来 JBoss 收购 A4J 后,又将其集成到 RichFaces 中,不但丰富了控件库和还添加了新功能。
对开发人员来说,只要按照 JSF 的组件规范来组织页面,免去了书写或调用庞杂的 JavaScript 代码或库,就能达到梦寐以求的 Ajax 效果 ---- 可以只更新局部内容而不用刷新整个页面,增强了用户体验。
升级 Atmosphere 到 2.2.0 版本
DataTable 组件支持内置排序和过滤
jQuery 升级到 1.11.1
Google Guava 更新到 17.0
RF-13660 - RichFaces 4.5 integration tests - error after test execution
RF-13720 - Mobile Showcase - CSV demo with JS error and does not work
RF-13724 - Showcase - leftovers of old Editor skinning setup cause 404 error
RF-13725 - Showcase can not be deployed on Tomcat 7 due to Weld & Guava integration
RF-13728 - Editor cant display after page load if page is opened directly
RF-13729 - Kitchensink archetype on Wildfly with mobile devices
RF-13739 - Placeholder in collapsibleSubTable template
RF-13740 - Richfaces 4.5 with MyFaces causes NPE on AJAX requests
RF-13744 - Photoalbum cannot be deployed to Wildfly 8.1
RF-13745 - Unicode characters in the picklist break the build on Windows
RF-13751 - Distribution zip for 4.5 named incorrectly
RF-13752 - Distribution zip is missing javadocs
RF-13758 - RF 4.5 with MyFaces, CSS not loaded
RF-13768 - Tests for inplaceInput and inplaceSelect renderer failing
RF-13769 - placeholder with empty @selector renders twice
RF-13775 - Depracated syntax used in RichFaces Resources Maven Plugin
RF-13778 - RF-45 cyclic dependency on richfaces-parent
RF-13779 - jQuery component: TypeError: selector[(intermediate value)] is not a function
RF-13782 - Context menu, drop down menu: showEvent set to hover doesn’t work
RF-13785 - Component tree is not visited during RenderResponsePhase
RF-13792 - Rich notify, showShadow attribute not working
RF-13686 - Props interfaces overlap and are not fully implemented
RF-13733 - dataTable built-in sorting and filtering
RF-13746 - Some of RichFaces 4.5.0.Alpha3 artifacts are missing in Maven Central
RF-13754 - Showcase - remove dependencies for JMS push example
RF-13786 - Showcase - disable built in sorting/filtering for custom sorting/filtering DataTable examples
RF-11453 - Add autocomplete functionality to the rich:select component
RF-13525 - Remove GAE sample from Archetypes
RF-13661 - De-couple the RichFaces.BaseComponent implementation from its JSF backend
RF-13741 - File Upload Fails with client side state and JSF 2.2
RF-13742 - NPE on Service Side State Saving with Expired View
RF-13759 - Unify jboss-parent between richfaces and cdk projects & allign with EAP-6.3.0
RF-13761 - Upgrade jQuery to 1.11.1+
RF-13762 - jsf-test repository location is still under https://github.com/richfaces/richfaces, however 4.5.x is now under https://github.com/richfaces/richfaces5
RF-13773 - Upgrade Guava Dependency to 17.0
RF-12950 - Move Showcase ftests from QA repo to the examples/showcase module and mark some of them as smoke tests
RF-13718 - Update release guide for 4.5
RF-13756 - Upgrade jquery.mousewheel.js to 3.1.12
RF-13766 - Move classes ElementIsFocused and FocusRetriever to build-resources
RF-13772 - Update Arquillian profiles