ZeroBrane Studio 是一个轻量级的Lua IDE。拥有代码提示、语法高亮、远程调试、代码分析、调试等功能。支持多个 Lua 引擎 (LuaJIT, Löve 2D, Moai, Gideros, Corona, Marmalade Quick, MobileLua, GSL-Shell, and others). 它是基于 Estrela EdiTor.用Lua开发的,用到了lua socket、WxWidget等。 可以很好的结合Cocos2d-x做游戏开发。调试、代码提示都可以完美的解决。
完全采用 Lua 编写,定制容易
函数、关键字和自定义 API 的自动完成
提供本地和远程调试器,支持 Lua 5.1, Lua 5.2, Lua 5.3, LuaJIT, 和 其他 Lua 引擎
Live coding with Lua, LÖVE, Gideros, Moai, Corona SDK, GSL-shell, and other engines.
SPEcs (spec/
): specifications for file syntax, Lexer, and keywords;
apis (api/
): descriptions for code completion and tooltips;
interpreters (interpreters/
): components for setting debugging and run-time project environment;
packages (packages/
): plugins that provide additional functionalIty;
config (cfg/
): settings for styles, color themes, and other preferences;
translations (cfg/i18n/
): translations of the menus and messages to other languages;
tools (tools/
): additional tools.
发布于 2016-09-20 05:55:51 | 115 次阅读