Luke Lucene索引查看工具

Luke 是查询Lucene索引文件的工具, 而且用 Luke 的Search可以做查询

Luke is a handy development and Diagnostic tool, which Accesses already existing Lucene indexes and allows you to display and modify their contents in several ways:

  • browse by document number, or by term

  • vIEw documents / copy to clipboard

  • retrieve a ranked list of most frequent terms

  • execute a search, and browse the results

  • analyze search results

  • selectively delete documents from the index

  • reconstruct the original document fields, edit them and re-insert to the index

  • optimize indexes

  • and much more...

Luke 6.6.0 发布,可视化 Lucene 索引查看工具
Luke 6.6.0 已发布,Luke 是用于查询 Lucene / Solr / Elasticsearch 索引的可视化工具。 它允许:查看文档并分析其内容(用于存储字段)在索引中搜索执行索引维护:索引运行状况检查,索引优化(运行前需要备份)从 hdfs 读取索引将索引或其部分导出为 xml 格式测试你的自定义 Lucene analyzers创建自己的插件更新内

发布于 2017-07-17 03:21:36 | 145 次阅读

Luke 6.0.0 发布,可视化 Lucene 索引查看工具
Luke 6.0.0 发布。更新内容:主要升级到新的Lucene6.0.0 API #55下载地址 Source code (zip)Source code (tar.gz)Luke 是查询LUCENE索引文件的工具, 而且用 Luke 的Search可以做查询

发布于 2016-04-18 04:56:47 | 198 次阅读

Luke 5.5.0 发布,LUCENE索引文件工具
Luke 5.5.0 发布了。Luke 是查询LUCENE索引文件的工具, 而且用 Luke 的Search可以做查询。功能:Viewing your documents and analyzing their field contents (for stored fields)Searching in the indexPerforming index maintenance: index sanity checking, index optimization (take a backup before running thi

发布于 2016-03-18 07:18:52 | 201 次阅读

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