发布于 2016-03-18 07:18:52 | 201 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
Luke Lucene索引查看工具
Luke 是查询LUCENE索引文件的工具, 而且用 Luke 的Search可以做查询
Luke 5.5.0 发布了。Luke 是查询LUCENE索引文件的工具, 而且用 Luke 的Search可以做查询。
Viewing your documents and analyzing their field contents (for stored fields)
Searching in the index
Performing index maintenance: index sanity checking, index optimization (take a backup before running this!)
Reading index from hdfs
Exporting the index or portion of it into an xml format
Testing your custom Lucene analyzers