发布于 2018-01-20 23:47:09 | 145 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
ESLint 插件式Javascript验证工具
ESLint 是一个开源的JavaScript验证工具,相比JSLint,ESLint具有可配置性。
ESLint 是一个开源的 JavaScript 检验工具,相比 JSLint,ESLint 具有可配置性。其它跟 JSLint 的不同之处:
ESLint 使用 Esprima 来进行 javascript 解析
ESLint 使用 AST 来修改代码模式
ESLint 是完全插件化的,每个规则都是一个插件,用户可以在运行时增加更多的插件
ESLint 4.16.0 更新内容:
e26a25f Update: allow continue instead of if wrap in guard-for-in (fixes #7567) (#9796)
af043eb Update: Add NewExpression support to comma-style (#9591)
13bcf3c Fix: Removing curly quotes in no-eq-null report message (#9852)
b96fb31 Docs: configuration hierarchy for CLIEngine options (fixes #9526) (#9855)
8ccbdda Docs: Clarify that -c configs merge with .eslintrc.*
(fixes #9535) (#9847)
cd5681d Chore: Deactivate consistent-docs-url in internal rules folder (#9815)
2e87ddd Docs: Sync messageId examples' style with other examples (#9816)
1d61930 Update: use doctrine range information in valid-jsdoc (#9831)
133336e Update: fix indent behavior on template literal arguments (fixes #9061) (#9820)
ea1b15d Fix: avoid crashing on malformed configuration comments (fixes #9373) (#9819)
add1e70 Update: fix indent bug on comments in ternary expressions (fixes #9729) (#9818)
6a5cd32 Fix: prefer-destructuring error with computed properties (fixes #9784) (#9817)
601f851 Docs: Minor modification to code comments for clarity (#9821)
b9da067 Docs: fix misleading info about RuleTester column numbers (#9830)
2cf4522 Update: Rename and deprecate object-property-newline option (#9570)
ccfce15 Docs: Minor tweaks to working with rules page (#9824)