发布于 2016-09-05 00:24:49 | 149 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
ESLint 插件式Javascript验证工具
ESLint 是一个开源的JavaScript验证工具,相比JSLint,ESLint具有可配置性。
ESLint v3.4.0 发布了,其他跟 JSLint 的不同之处:
ESLint 使用 Esprima 来进行 javascript 解析
ESLint 使用 AST 来修改代码模式
ESLint 是完全插件化的,每个规则都是一个插件,用户可以在运行时增加更多的插件
c210510 Update: add fixer for no-extra-parens (fixes #6944) (#6950) (not-an-aardvark)
ca3d448 Fix: prefer-const
false negative about eslintUsed
(fixes #5837) (#6971) (Toru Nagashima)
1153955 Docs: Draft of JSCS migration guide (refs #5859) (#6942) (Nicholas C. Zakas)
3e522be Fix: false negative of indent
with else if
statements (fixes #6956) (#6965) (not-an-aardvark)
2dfb290 Docs: Distinguish examples in rules under Stylistic Issues part 7 (#6760) (Kenneth Williams)
3c710c9 Fix: rename "AirBnB" => "Airbnb" init choice (fixes #6969) (Harrison Shoff)
7660b39 Fix: object-curly-spacing
for type annotations (fixes #6940) (#6945) (Toru Nagashima)
21ab784 New: do not remove non visited files from cache. (fixes #6780) (#6921) (Roy Riojas)
3a1763c Fix: enable @scope/plugin/ruleId
-style specifier (refs #6362) (#6939) (Toru Nagashima)
d6fd064 Update: Add never option to multiline-ternary (fixes #6751) (#6905) (Kai Cataldo)
0d268f1 New: symbol-description
rule (fixes #6778) (#6825) (Jarek Rencz)
a063d4e Fix: no-cond-assign within a function expression (fixes #6908) (#6909) (Patrick McElhaney)
16db93a Build: Tag docs, publish release notes (fixes #6892) (#6934) (Nicholas C. Zakas)
0cf1d55 Chore: Fix object-shorthand errors (fixes #6958) (#6959) (Kai Cataldo)
8851ddd Fix: Improve pref of globbing by inheriting glob.GlobSync (fixes #6710) (#6783) (Kael Zhang)
cf2242c Update: requireStringLiterals
option for valid-typeof
(fixes #6698) (#6923) (not-an-aardvark)
8561389 Fix: no-trailing-spaces
wrong fixing (fixes #6933) (#6937) (Toru Nagashima)
6a92be5 Docs: Update semantic versioning policy (#6935) (alberto)
a5189a6 New: class-methods-use-this
rule (fixes #5139) (#6881) (Gyandeep Singh)
1563808 Update: add support for ecmaVersion 20xx (fixes #6750) (#6907) (Kai Cataldo)
d8b770c Docs: Change rule descriptions for consistent casing (#6915) (Brandon Mills)
c676322 Chore: Use object-shorthand batch 3 (refs #6407) (#6914) (Kai Cataldo)