发布于 2017-12-07 00:28:57 | 187 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
Review Board 开源Code Review平台
Review Board是一套成熟的开源code review平台,目前已在业内得到广泛的使用。基本可以用于review任何代码和文件。codereview 属于代码配置管理范畴。codereview需要配合SVNClient来使用,因为当post diff代码时会调用SVN相关命令。
在线代码审查工具 Review Board 2.5.17 已发布,同时发布的还有 3.0.1 版本,主要是一些 Bug 修复和功能改进。
Review Board 2.5.17 已修复以下问题:
Posting changes containing Unicode characters to GitLab via the New Review Request page
Regressions in showing closed review requests in the search field
Crashes when getting a user's full name from LDAP when that name didn't include any spaces
Creating drafts when editing the caption for file attachments
Showing replies alongside reviews in the user page's list of published reviews
Review Board 3.0.1 在上述修复的基础上,还有一些额外的改进:
Capability flags have been added in the API's root resource indicating if JSON patching and symlinks in Git diffs are supported, helping clients make smarter decisions
A newer user permission was added to let that user see invite-only review groups in the API, which is useful for in-house tools
Avatar backends provided by extensions should no longer disappear
有关完整的更改列表,请参阅 2.5.17 和 3.0.1 发行说明。