发布于 2017-11-07 23:49:59 | 271 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
Review Board 开源Code Review平台
Review Board是一套成熟的开源code review平台,目前已在业内得到广泛的使用。基本可以用于review任何代码和文件。codereview 属于代码配置管理范畴。codereview需要配合SVNClient来使用,因为当post diff代码时会调用SVN相关命令。
Review Board 3.0 RC 1 Release 发布,此版本包含 Review Board 2.5.16 版中的所有错误修复和功能。
Support for Slack, Travis-CI, and CircleCI integrations are now enabled by default.
In previous betas, the Integration extension providing this support had to be enabled manually. Now, on any new upgrades to 3.0, the extension will be automatically enabled.
If you’ve been using the 3.0 betas, you will still need to manually enable the extension.
Added server-side enforcement of issue verification.
The new issue verification feature, introduced in 3.0 beta 2, temporarily was enforced only client-side. We’ve now added server-side support to ensure that users can’t get around verification.
Added issue verification information to the Review Request Infobox and Dashboard columns.
Improved high-DPI support throughout the UI
Added smarter collapsing of reviews and other entries on the review request page.