发布于 2017-11-26 00:30:32 | 174 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
ReactOS 开源操作系统
ReactOS® 是一个基于 Windows NT® 架构(Windows XP, Windows 7, Windows Server 2012 等均基于 Windows NT 架构)设计原则的开源操作系统。由于所有的代码都经过重新编写,ReactOS® 并不是一个基于 Linux 的操作系统,而且不包含任何 UNIX 架构。
ReactOS 0.4.7 发布了。ReactOS 是免费的和开源的操作系统,它基于 Windows NT 架构中反映出来的最佳设计理念。ReactOS 完全从零开始编写,它并非基于 Linux 的系统,并且与 UNIX 架构没有共同之处。
[CORE-4107] - Firefox 3.X/4.X don't register as default web browsers
[CORE-4361] - Total Commander 7.04a "explorer is not responding" error during installation
[CORE-4975] - Opera: in v9.64 Speed Dial doesn't work correctly
[CORE-6993] - Flat Assembler (fasm) IDE visual glitch
[CORE-7454] - shell32: When the Properties Window of a drive is opened, the contextual menu of other Drives doesn't appear
[CORE-7542] - Shell Executions do not work properly when paths include spaces
[CORE-7630] - Opening Networking tab of Windows Task Manager causes ROS to BSOD