发布于 2016-08-16 23:49:45 | 243 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
ReactOS 开源操作系统
ReactOS® 是一个基于 Windows NT® 架构(Windows XP, Windows 7, Windows Server 2012 等均基于 Windows NT 架构)设计原则的开源操作系统。由于所有的代码都经过重新编写,ReactOS® 并不是一个基于 Linux 的操作系统,而且不包含任何 UNIX 架构。
ReactOS 0.4.2 发布了,
CORE-9448 Implement version build on a dekstop
CORE-10701 Add unxutils to rapps, work in reactos now
CORE-11508 Implement support for post-mortem ("Auto-Execute") debugging
CORE-6850 Move code that dereferences ConnectionPort into the if(ConnectionPort) block
CORE-10250 taskmgr: Change "Mem Usage" status text
CORE-10533 PATCH: Fix local network resolving
CORE-10558 Changing Russian time zones
CORE-10636 [RAPPS] Add tcc 0.9.26
CORE-10717 Set telnet.exe appear icon in ReactOS
CORE-10740 TRANSLATION: New patch Russian translation for mspaint
CORE-10955 [syssetup] 2nd Stage Network Setup
CORE-10966 [MAGNIFY] Improvement of application strings by adding '&'.
CORE-11005 Add support of ReiserFS
CORE-11022 [TRANSLATIONS] [IERNONCE] Add Chinese and Malay translations.
CORE-11040 Add FFS File System Driver
CORE-11060 Resource-fy cmdutilscomp
CORE-11129 [taskmgr] Create Task dialog fixups
CORE-11145 Replacement for SHIMGVW control button bitmaps
CORE-11151 [shell32] Improve a list view header
CORE-11161 DPRINT fix: should use 'LastKnownGood' instead of 'Default'
CORE-11172 Upgrade WinBtrfs driver to 0.4
CORE-11226 Updating Turkish Translation
CORE-11262 [taskmgr] improvement german: too long string in statusbar
CORE-11278 [netshell] german - add translation, fix layout
CORE-11295 Upgrade ext2 driver to 0.66
CORE-11349 Display a nice ReactOS version desktop watermark
CORE-11364 [user32] appswitch: Set text background the same color as the rectangle
CORE-11391 Remove WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE from Sol and Spider
CORE-11392 [devmgr] [dxdiag] [netshell] Improve russian translation (P 1 / ?)
CORE-11411 TRANSLATION: Russian translation for telnet
CORE-11413 [shell32] Use a proper log off dialog
CORE-11417 [msgina] Icon fix ups
CORE-11424 TRANSLATION: Russian translation for comp
CORE-11425 TRANSLATION: Russian translation for lautus msstyles
CORE-11437 [PATCH] Fix words in newdev
CORE-11439 TRANSLATION: Romanian resources maintenance
CORE-11476 Updating Turkish Translation
CORE-11479 [PATCH] Cleanup & optimization of nonclient.c
CORE-11512 Include taskmgr in the bootcd and in the administrative tools menu
CORE-11534 Update mbedTLS to 2.3.0
CORE-11567 TRANSLATION: Russian translation for rapps
CORE-11606 [acppage] Windows ME is listed the same as Windows 98
CORE-11638 [SHELL32] Add avi file 151
CORE-11655 [hivecls] Add information for RDP files
CORE-11679 [audio.inf] Use a better icon