发布于 2017-10-24 00:26:20 | 170 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
Apache Qpid 消息中间件
Qpid 是 Apache 开发的一款面向对象的消息中间件,它是一个 AMQP 的实现,可以和其他符合 AMQP 协议的系统进行通信。Qpid 提供了 C++/Python/Java/C# 等主流编程语言的客户端库,安装使用非常方便。相对于其他的 AMQP 实现,Qpid 社区十分活跃,有望成为标准 AMQP 中间件产品。除了符合 AMQP 基本要求之外,Qpid 提供了很多额外的 HA 特性,非常适于集群环境下的消息通信。
Apache Qpid Proton 0.18.0 已发布,Apache Qpid Proton 是 AMQP 1.0 的消息库,高性能,轻量级,应用广泛。
该版本带来了大量的新特性、改进,以及 bug 修复,部分包括:
PROTON-749 - Refactor Proton C transport code
PROTON-1175 - Document BlockingConnection resource cleanup
PROTON-1339 - Event_loop injection is very slow to trigger the events
PROTON-1347 - Container prints to stderr on connection timed out
PROTON-1369 - Add deprecation warnings to the C++ binding
PROTON-1400 - Use the Proactor API for the IO/Event implementation
PROTON-1401 - Improve pn_handle_t constness
PROTON-1402 - Simplify access to object contexts
PROTON-1416 - Reconnect when receiving connection close with amqp:connection:forced condition
PROTON-1419 - c libuv proactor log all events
PROTON-1421 - c proactor to take a connection URL string rather than host, port
PROTON-1423 - Python reconnect on amqp:connection:forced
PROTON-1437 - c proactor address info
PROTON-1438 - c proactor listening behavior
PROTON-1440 - pn_connection_wake to return bool status
PROTON-1445 - Change proactor ownership model
PROTON-1450 - Add Filter LinkOption to Electron API
PROTON-1452 - add pn_proactor_disconnect
PROTON-1460 - C "proactor" epoll implementation