发布于 2017-08-09 23:58:44 | 151 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
Apache Qpid 消息中间件
Qpid 是 Apache 开发的一款面向对象的消息中间件,它是一个 AMQP 的实现,可以和其他符合 AMQP 协议的系统进行通信。Qpid 提供了 C++/Python/Java/C# 等主流编程语言的客户端库,安装使用非常方便。相对于其他的 AMQP 实现,Qpid 社区十分活跃,有望成为标准 AMQP 中间件产品。除了符合 AMQP 基本要求之外,Qpid 提供了很多额外的 HA 特性,非常适于集群环境下的消息通信。
Apache Qpid JMS 0.24.0 已发布,Qpid JMS 是一个使用 Qpid Proton 协议引擎的 Java Message Service 客户端。支持基于 Apache Qpid Proton 协议引擎的高级消息队列协议 1.0(AMQP 1.0, ISO/IEC 19464, http://www.amqp.org),并实现了 AMQP JMS 映射在 OASIS 的发展。
QPIDJMS-303 - Add support for SASL GSSAPI Kerberos mechanism
QPIDJMS-304 - Cleanup the Session handling of its executor thread tracking
QPIDJMS-306 - Use a more fitting data structure for inbound message queue
Bug 修复
QPIDJMS-293 - the WebSocket transport does not handle continuation frames
QPIDJMS-294 - The SCRAM-SHA-* SASL mechanisms should verify the server final message if it is sent in the additional-data field of sasl-outcome
QPIDJMS-299 - executor thread factories can retain closed connection objects due to implicit parent references
QPIDJMS-300 - Possible thread leak on simultaneous local and remote connection close
QPIDJMS-301 - Pooled Buffer leak possible on send when connection has dropped
QPIDJMS-302 - an NPE can occur when trying to throw a JMSException to indicate the connection failed
QPIDJMS-305 - Potential race on sasl authentication failures can throw wrong exception on connect
QPIDJMS-307 - fix handling of tx declare rejection while creating a transacted Session
QPIDJMS-308 - update to proton-j 0.20.0
QPIDJMS-309 - Update the ActiveMQ version used in tests to 5.15.0
QPIDJMS-310 - Update Netty to latest 4.1.14.Final