发布于 2017-10-09 09:27:04 | 102 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
HikariCP JDBC 连接池
HikariCP 是一个高性能的 JDBC 连接池组件。
HikariCP 2.7.2 已发布,HikariCP 是一个高性能的 JDBC 连接池组件。更新如下:
issue 983 fix logic that determines how many idle connections can be removed, without violating the minimumIdle contract.
pull 987 add thread name to leak detection messages.
issue 982 fix classloader order, try the ThreadContext classloader before other classloaders.
pull 977 log better messages when connection is evicted.
fallback to four digit random pool suffix when SecurityManager prevents writing to system properties for the purpose of JVM-wide unique pool identifiers.