发布于 2017-09-11 03:29:34 | 145 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
HikariCP JDBC 连接池
HikariCP 是一个高性能的 JDBC 连接池组件。
HikariCP 2.7.1 和 2.4.13 已发布,HikariCP 是一个高性能的 JDBC 连接池组件。更新如下:
Changes in 2.7.1
issue 968 Wrong label order in MicrometerMetricsTracker for the connection usage metric.
issue 967 incorrect bitwise operator value in ConcurrentBag.requite method intended to cause parkNanos() to be called every 256 iterations. Thanks to @ztkmkoo for finding this.
Changes in 2.4.13
backport more efficient contention handling in ConcurrentBag.requite from 2.6.x branch.
issue 955 fix possible race condition when Statements are closed on different threads from which they were created.