发布于 2017-09-29 00:30:13 | 150 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
Redisson Redis客户端
Redisson 是基于Redis服务之上构建的分布式、可伸缩的Java数据结构,高级的Redis客户端。
redisson 3.5.4 已发布。Redisson 是架设在 Redis 基础上的一个 Java 驻内存数据网格(In-Memory Data Grid)。充分的利用了 Redis 键值数据库提供的一系列优势,基于 Java 实用工具包中常用接口,为使用者提供了一系列具有分布式特性的常用工具类。
Feature - added maxSize
setting for SpringCacheManager
Feature - allow LiveObjectService
to work with classes that inherit from REntities (thanks to @sdjacobs)
Improvement - RMapCache
entires eviction process optimized
Improvement - handling of slave down process
Fixed - operation on slave coldn't be executed after its restart (thanks to @xavierfacq)
Fixed - ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
in RedissonSessionRepository
Fixed - storing Live Objects in Redisson's collection objects (thanks to Rui Gu)
Fixed - cancel write operation for commands belong to disconnected connection
Fixed - possible race-condition during cancellation of write operation to Redis connection
Fixed - accessor methods in Live Objects break if they start with 'is' (thanks to @sdjacobs)
Fixed - MapReduce Collator
couldn't be executed if timeout was defined
Fixed - RedissonKeys.delete throws NullPointerException
in some cases
Fixed - CancellationException
handling during RemotePromise cancellation
Fixed - RedisNodeNotFoundException
should be supplied to Failed Promise