发布于 2017-07-12 23:48:24 | 167 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
Redisson Redis客户端
Redisson 是基于Redis服务之上构建的分布式、可伸缩的Java数据结构,高级的Redis客户端。
Feature - JsonJacksonMapCodec codec added
Feature - Amazon Ion codec added
Feature - read-through, write-through and write-behind support for RMap objects
Feature - RExecutorService should return RExecutorFuture object with taskId
Feature - added RList.get method to load elements in a batch
Feature - ability to submit few tasks atomically (in batch) through RExecutorService interface
Feature - Config.keepPubSubOrder setting added
Improvement - make RMapReactive and RMapCacheReactive interfaces match with RMap and RMapCache
Improvement - RLexSortedSet should extend RSortedSet
Fixed - RMapCache remove, put, putIfAbsent and replace methods aren't respect entry expiration
Fixed - SCAN command should be used in RKeys.deleteByPattern method
Fixed - RBinaryStream doesn't work in Redis cluster environment
Fixed - SELECT command shouldn't be executed on Sentinel servers
Fixed - Stackoverflow error arise during decoding of large amount of PubSub messages
Fixed - LocalCachedMapInvalidate object can't be serialized by Kryo codec
Fixed - XMLGregorianCalendar type handling in JSON codec
Fixed - Reactive Stream methods shouldn't be executed immediately after Publisher object creation